Just to note: this year's requests include the Avengers Movieverse, Doctor Who (specifically the Ninth Doctor era), Marvel Comics (Earth-616, New Avengers[ish]), and Once Upon a Time.
You're writing me a threesome (or moresome!) fic! Believe me, there's almost no way you can possibly go wrong. ♥
That said, I thought that I'd elaborate a bit on my requests in case, like me, you're the type of person who likes to have something to work with. Feel free to use and/or ignore as much of this as you want.
I adore plot; in fact, the longer and more detailed, the more I like it. That said, I also have no problems whatsoever with PWP or meaningless fluff or plotless humor. Basically, I'm extremely easy to please.
Hurt/comfort is my OTP of fanfiction genres, whether it's physical or psychological. It doesn't matter if it's gen or 'shippy, I love it. That said, I tend to prefer the men being the ones injured rather than the women.
Let's see...
Strong female characters. Reversals of typical gender stereotypes. Families that are made instead of being related by blood. Crossdressing. Geekiness. Actions having consequences. Characters wearing glasses, whether they're needed or not. Books. Libraries. Happy endings (interpret that any way that you'd like :-P). Women saving the day. Banter. All of these are awesome in my book.
I love a lot of characters, including some that most people dislike, so character bashing is a big turn-off for me. I'm not big on noncon, though I don't mind dubcon as long as the fact that it is dubcon is realized by the characters. (See again: consequences.) When it comes to smut, bodily fluids that aren't a natural part of sex being used erotically really isn't my thing, but other than that I'm open for anything. Except mpreg. Twelve years in fandom, and mpreg still does nothing for me.
Cheating on a canon partner is sometimes a thing for me, especially when it comes to characters that I care about a lot. I'm fine with someone being in a relationship with more than one person, or having casual sex with someone who isn't their current partner, as long as everyone involved knows what's going on. Let's say, for example, Character A is dating/married to Character B. Character A starts sleeping with Character C. Character B doesn't necessarily have to be sleeping with Character C as well (though threesomes are perfectly fine with me!), but for me to be able to enjoy the story Character B does need to be aware of the fact that Character A and Character C are sleeping together, just as Character C needs to be aware that Character A and Character B are in a relationship. It's a trust thing.
If you'd rather not have any specific details, feel free to skip this next part. If you're like me, though, and like to at least have a few prompt ideas, here you go.
Avengers Movieverse
Threesome: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff/Steve Rogers
Moresome: Phil Coulson
Requested Story Element: boundaries
I'd love something set not too long after the movie's end, where the Avengers have managed to work together to save the day, but they're still not quite a team, not yet at least. Building trust, learning to rely on people, personality clashes, old relationships changing into new ones, arguments, light-hearted banter, the city being rebuilt, the entire team making appearances...
... or, you know, porn works too if your muse would rather wander in that direction.
If you decide to include Coulson in the story, whether as part of a moresome or not, I'm not picky on how you get around certain events of the movie. LMD! Nick Fury is a lying liar who lies! Magic! Science! Time travel! He's a hologram! He's the Vision an android! Seriously, pick a manner of handwaving, any manner of handwaving.
Doctor Who
Threesome: Jack Harkness/Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Requested Story Element: trial by fire
One of my favorite things about the 2005 series is the gap between "The Doctor Dances" and "Boom Town." It's obvious that quite a bit of time passes, based on the change in the relationship among the Doctor, Rose, and Jack, and it's left wide open for fanfiction to fill in the gaps.
I'd absolutely love a story set during that time, when they're just starting to get to know Jack and trust isn't quite there yet. Jack goes from being something of a third wheel to becoming a crucial part of Team TARDIS. How? Is it gradual? Is there a major catalyst? Anything from that timeframe would be lovely.
Marvel Comics
Threesome: Danny Rand/Jessica Jones/Luke Cage
Moresome: Colleen Wing, Misty Knight
Requested Story Element: the first thing you learn when you join the Avengers is "expect the unexpected"
I'm a big fan of Misty, so - if you decide not to include her - I'd appreciate it if you either make it clear that she and Danny have already broken up or that she doesn't mind him being in a relationship with Luke and Jessica as well. Cheating on a canon partner is sometimes a thing for me, when it comes to characters that I care about a lot, so just a quick line related to Misty's status would really make my day.
Let's see... I'd love to see Dani make an appearance. When I made the prompt, I was thinking of something more lighthearted, but you don't have to go that route if you'd rather not. I'd really rather not have anything too dark or angsty, if possible, simply because that's one of the issues I've been having with canon Marvel lately, but I don't mind a little bit of darkness if that's where your muse takes you.
I'm not 100% caught up on current Marvel canon (whenever there's a huge crossover event, I kind of refuse to read it on principle by this point). Don't worry about that, though, if you want to set the story in the current time. I tend to at least read summaries of the newer issues if I'm not reading them, just so I can have an idea of which characters have died/been resurrected/been revealed to not actually have died after all/been kidnapped by space aliens/been revealed to be a space alien/been brainwashed/been retconned out of existence/randomly made out with someone nobody saw coming/etc.
Once Upon a Time
Threesome: Prince Charming/Red Riding Hood/Snow White
Requested Story Element: happily ever after sometimes isn't what you expect
Timing wise, I'd be happy with something set in any of the three main timelines: Fairytale Land before the curse, in Storybrooke with David/Mary Margaret/Ruby (though, please, if you go that route then don't let Kathryn be in the dark about the relationship - the cheating thing was a really big issue for me back in S1), and/or in Storybrooke after the curse is broken and they have both sets of memories in their heads. (Or, for that matter, Fairytale Land post-curse if you wanted to do something with that idea.)
I'd adore to see a story that shows their relationship building, going from friendship to love. Or a slice of life piece about a day in their lives. Or a pure PWP. Seriously, whatever you decide to write, I'm going to love it so let your imagination run free.
And... that's about it. Have fun writing, and - seriously - I can tell you now that I'm going to love whatever you come up with!
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