For about a year or so, people have kept telling me about this show that they claimed was really good. It's about fairy tales, they said. It has awesome female characters, they said. It passes the Bechdel test regularly, they said. It has an amazing cast full of actors and actresses that you love, they said. It's right up your alley, they said.
No thank you, I said. I'm trying not to get involved in any new fandoms right now, I said. I want to focus on rewatching/rereading/etc. some of my older fandoms, I said. Maybe later, I said.
... yeah.
I'd give you three guesses who's been marathoning Once Upon a Time the past week or two, but I expect most of you are already cackling with laughter by this point and don't need more than one. *buries head* I'm not completely finished with the first season yet, but I hope to make it to the finale sometime this week.
ETA: I'm totally blaming Vividcon, by the way. Or, more specifically,
absolutely terrific vid. *nods* It's all their fault.
ETA #2: Fair warning, there are some S2 casting spoilers in the comments on LiveJournal. Nothing major, but some characters that will be appearing this coming season are mentioned.
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