Guess who broke down and brought out her crutches today? No, really, take a guess. I'll give you several.
Well, that was fun. I knew the moment I woke up this morning and felt my foot throbbing that I was going to have to use them, no matter how much I didn't want to. It's better tonight, though, after being off of it all today. I'm really hoping I can get by with only one crutch tomorrow (or, even better, none! - though I expect that won't happen, since I still can't put all of my weight on the foot).
Mainly because, after one day of using crutches, not only are both my underarms bruised, but so are both my actual arms, my left hand, and my right thigh. And I can't actually lift my arms at the moment, because they have no strength in them whatsoever.
... yeah, I have no fucking clue how I manage to do these things. :-/
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