Look! It's an update!

Nov 11, 2011 00:58

I'm still alive. Ish. Promise? But, yeah, it's been a week. Oh, what a week. :-/

For those of you who lurk and don't have access to my locked posts, I had a job interview on Monday for an administrative assistant position. (Hi, General Manager S, if you're still lurking on my journal! Guess what? I won't be there forever!) I didn't get the job, but hey. It's a step in the right direction, at least.

On top of that, my work schedule has been... weird. Very weird. I was actually scheduled very few shifts (four!), but they keep asking "hey, can you pick up [insert shift here] since you're off?" Which, you know, I need the money, but it's definitely getting on my nerves that I think I'm going to be off and then I'm not. They don't seem to understand that I need some advance notice if I'm going to change my mindset from "night off work, I should probably work on fic" to "oh, I have to work."

My schedule for next week doesn't need to be mentioned right now. Let's just say that, while I'm only working 25-30 hours this week, next week I'm definitely going into overtime. By, uh, at least ten hours. Unless Manager C changes the schedule. Which is a possibility, apparently. So, basically, who knows?

Let's see.
pocketmouse's sister has been very bored during the day, since she was waiting for her job to get all of her paperwork transferred, so she's been cleaning. And cleaning. And also cleaning. Did I mention cleaning? I've never seen the apartment this clean. The kitchen wall above the stove is white! I didn't know it was supposed to be white! :-P

Moving onto more fandom-related news...

I've all but given up on delicious at this point. I've set up pinboard the way that I want it to look, and all it's lacking right now are tag bundles. Which are supposedly coming at some point in the future? But, yeah, if nothing else I can at least bulk rename my tags and none of them have been completely broken. That's better than delicious right now.

I'm addicted to tumblr. Send help. Or possibly shiny pictures to distract me. Either works.

Vidding is hard. So is fic writing. I'm just saying. I'm sure you're all shocked by this little fact. Really.

At some point, I really need to actually make some BPAL-related posts. About the perfumes that I like/dislike/have completely fallen in love with/etc., I mean. Because, yeah. They're awesome. And addicting.

I'm seriously behind on TV watching at the moment, though I'll admit that I'm managing to keep caught up with Once Upon a Time and Terra Nova at least. (As well as Community, Merlin, and Psych - which is coming tomorrow *cough*, by the way, for those of you who were wondering. Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, NCIS, and NCIS: Los Angeles are on my "catch up with at some point" list, and I've basically given up on Hawaii Five-0 - oh, my shiny show, how did you get so bad so quickly? - and House.). Any other new shows this season that I should try out? I'm thinking about Grimm, but I've heard some extremely mixed reactions to it that have me wary.

Here, have a picture of a kitty wearing a sweater:

(Beren is not amused.)

I don't want to work tomorrow. Why did I say, yes, I'd pick up another shift? Do I really need to be able to do things like, I don't know, pay rent? /o\

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replies there. Comment on whichever site you prefer.

fandom: terra nova, real life: pets, rambling: fanfiction, fandom: hawaii five-0, fandom: psych, website: tumblr, fandom: ncis los angeles, fandom: the mentalist, job: restaurant of fail, website: del.icio.us, fandom: once upon a time, fandom: ncis, real life: bpal, fandom: community, real life: job search, fandom: merlin, website: pinboard, fandom: house, rambling: vidding, real life: apartment, fandom: criminal minds

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