I'm sure a few of you remember
whoniverse1000. It's a community I set up a couple of years ago, as an attempt to get people to write 1000 different pairings featuring characters from Doctor Who and its related spin-offs. It got up to around 240 stories before, well, the year of specials happened and everyone's attention seemed to drift toward other things.
And then Eleven happened! And Amy! And Rory! And River! And a lot of people came back to Doctor Who with hearts in their eyes!
... except, you know, I was a horrible mod and didn't pimp
whoniverse1000, so it pretty much stayed dead.
Anyway, this post has a point!
stunt_muppet is holding a
Whoniverse1000 Revival Ficathon in an attempt to bring the community back to life. So, please! Spread the word! There are tons of awesome pairings that haven't been written yet.
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