Once more on the work front...

Oct 02, 2010 13:26

Well, my work schedule this week looks very similar to the one I've had the last few weeks (well, minus the rather large number of the double shifts from this week that are going to push me into overtime by mid-afternoon tomorrow), so it looks like - for the time being - I better get used to this schedule. My only day off is Saturday, and I still have a few double shifts, but for the most part I'm working nights. And, at least, these aren't the "work 10+ hours without a break" kind of double shifts but rather the "come in for an hour or three for lunch and get a 2-3 hour break before coming back for dinner" kind of double shifts.

So, you know, it's a little better. I'm still going to be on the borderline of hitting overtime, but lots of hours is a good sign. *pause* Or a sign that they need to hire more servers. One or the other.

Theoretically, I won't be quite as MIA this week now that I'm A. getting used to this schedule and B. only working two double shifts rather than five. Today, however, will be spent catching up on reading DW and LJ (and cleaning up some things on both sites), writing fanfiction, and playing catch-up in general with fandom.

Translation: expect to be spammed by me a little today as I try to catch up on a week or two's worth of not posting. Sorry?

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job: restaurant of fail

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