Jan 31, 2003 23:34
Thank the Lord that I'm out of school for the weekend. *sigh* I don't think that I could have stood five more minutes there. This has been one hell of a day...
6:45 am - Lynn stumbles out of bed, glares at alarm clock for not ringing thirty minutes earlier, and runs upstairs.
7:08 am - Oh look, the bus is running early. Lynn runs out door, trying frantically to catch the driver's attention.
7:15 am - Bus arrives at middle school. Lynn tries to pull whatever sticky substance that was thrown at her out of hair; meanwhile, bus driver announces that she quits.
7:35 am - Bus that goes to high school shows up late. Pitiful high school students who don't have cars rush on.
7:50 am - Bus arrives at high school. Pitiful high school students who don't have cars rush off and try to make it to class before late bell rings.
9:05 am - Lab work in biology. Suggestion: Never stand near someone who is mixing together unknown liquids.
10:00 am - Not Lynn's day to drive, so she goes to gym with the rest of the Driver's Ed class.
10:15 am - Basketball game goes wild. Lynn, who is sitting in bleachers with friends, gets hit by basketball.
11:30 am - Teacher not there in band, class watches Shrek instead of playing instruments.
12:45 pm - Lynn is nice and helps put up chairs/stands in band room. Crazy upperclassman knocks over pile of chairs. One of them hits Lynn's right arm. Wrist becomes swollen and bruised.
1:05 pm - Lunchtime. Guess who forgot their lunch money?
1:25 pm - Spanish class. Lots of writing. Lynn is right-handed. Right wrist is a nice shade of black and blue by now.
2:55 pm - Bus bell rings. Lynn almost misses bus. Right hand is swollen quite a bit by now.
3:20 pm - Bus arrives at middle school. Lynn gets on bus. New bus driver has never driven a bus before.
3:35 pm - Lynn finally gets home. New bus driver almosts hits mailbox.
3:37 pm - Lynn walks in door. Little brother has turned off computer and is under orders not to let his sister turn it on until she feeds all of the animals and hangs out clothes.
4:05 pm - Hand is swollen, bruised, and hurts. Chores finally done. Lynn gets on computer.
4:13 pm - Mom gets home from grocery shopping and kicks Lynn off of computer until all of the groceries are put up.
4:49 pm - All groceries are up, and Lynn gets back on computer.
4:57 pm - Lynn discovers that Teenmag.com is down, so she can't check her e-mail until Saturday.
5:15 pm - Mom kicks Lynn off of computer so that she can work on bills.
5:23 pm - Lynn goes to her bedroom, but she can't get in because her (supposedly sick enough to skip school) brother has locked himself inside with the N64.
5:32 pm - Lynn gives up trying to get into bedroom. Goes to far corner of basement and starts writing out the next chapter of her Lord of the Rings fanfic by hand. Left-handedly. She isn't left-handed.
7:03 pm - Dad gets home. Grabs something to eat and goes to his shop, where he starts working on car.
7:35 pm - Mom forgot to cook supper, so Lynn has to dig through fridge looking for something edible. Can't find anything, so she throws some soup on the stove.
7:50 pm - Lynn finally puts out small grease fire that she (somehow) caused. Gives up on soup and grabs some cookies, chips, and a Coke.
10:45 pm - Mom finally lets Lynn back on computer, and she tries to type up what she's written for the Lord of the Rings story.
11:15 pm - Gives up.
11:21 pm - Starts typing this in LiveJournal with left hand.
11:34 pm - Finishes typing this. Gives up completely on trying to use her right hand for anything. Mentally curses clumsy band members who are upperclassmen.
Isn't life just terrific?
lchs: daily events,
lchs: extracurricular: band