May 07, 2009 00:54
At the moment, I'm in the process of rearranging my bedroom. Yes, I do realize I'm insane, but I had a stack of almost thirty books piled under my desk and it was at the point where I had to do something with them. And, since I already had to get my room cleaned before this weekend anyway (so that Laura, Whitney, and Crystal will be able to, you know, slip through the door), it seemed like an opportune time.
... have I mentioned lately that throwing myself into work is a bad habit of mine when life's kind of insane?
Anyway, it's going fairly well. I think that I should be done by 3:00 a.m. or so, which is my usual "crash and collapse into bed" time (what with me working nights lately). That way I can worry about mixing the jello shots for Friday and getting them in my fridge before I have to leave for work tomorrow.
Speaking of Friday, my friends probably won't be here until late afternoon. That means I should hopefully have time to watch the new Superntural as well as the recently aired NCIS two-parter. I'd like to fit in the last two episodes of House as well, but I'm thinking that would probably be pushing it since I hope to sleep in so that I'll be able to stay up most of Friday night. (Star Trek! In IMAX!)
In other news, margaritas are very, very, very good. Especially when they're made with expensive tequila that Settiai really can't afford but bought anyway. (Just to note, said tequila tastes pretty damn good straight as well.) Which, you know, is kind of like saying the sky is blue, but still. ;-)
real life: bedroom,
roommate: laura,
fandom: supernatural,
fandom: house,
fandom: star trek,
real life: alcohol,
friend: whitney,
fandom: ncis,
roommate: crystal