Apr 15, 2009 23:30
Okay, I've got a question for some of the Doctor Who fans on my friends list. I've read a handful of DW books over the past few years; a few have been ones that I bought after people recommended them to me, but for the most part they've been ones that I've found in libraries or used bookstores.
Anyway, I was hoping to get some recommendations for any books (from any of the different series) that are worth checking out. As long as, you know, they're available in some way, shape, or form. I have no problem buying books if people say that I'll like them, but I can't shell out a ton of money on a single book that's extremely expensive because it's out of print. I'm especially interested in books featuring the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Doctors, but I'll honestly read anything as long as it's good quality.
So... any recs?
request: books