Am currently toiling in the Purgatory of secondary applications. Meanwhile, the world continues to be bizarre and amazing.
Fanged frog that eats birds, 162 other new species found in Mekong. A gecko with leopard-like spots on its body and a fanged frog that eats birds are among 163 new species discovered last year in the Mekong River region of Southeast Asia, an environmental group said Friday.
Killer rabbit attacks snakes. For three weeks Armando Del Manso believed his dog was responsible for the dead snakes showing up with teeth marks all over them on his East Barron property’s lawn each morning. But it turns out it was a pair of rampaging rabbits killing the snakes.
1 Million Spiders Make Golden Silk for Rare Cloth. A rare textile made from the silk of more than a million wild spiders goes on display today at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
‘Coywolf’ hybrids fill open evolutionary niche in northeast U.S. New DNA evidence reveals that coyotes have bred with wolves in the the northeastern United States, turning mice-eating coyotes into much larger animals with a hunger for big prey, such as deer. (Though I agree with
Geekologie that "wolfoties" would have been the better name.)