Feb 27, 2004 22:03
for the first time in a long time I feel genuinly happy, it was a little awkward but that sort of stuff takes time. ^_^ there is alot of stuff going on but there's a silver lining and I'm excited... and I'm happy
yup saying it doesn't make it true but when it's true you still want to say it over and over again to reasssure yourself it is true and exists.
You cannot repeat a moment, often moment's of happiness can happen again under similar circumstances but it takes a great deal of luck and care. When you forget why you liked things and begin to lose touch with it is when you lose touch with your own existance.
As these letters pour out I'm glad I've gone full circle.... although with all of the time it's been perhaps full 'oval' would be more appropriate 0_o
I wonder how long the bunny thing will continue.... it is a little silly I like the stuffed animals *mostly for something soft and cuddly to sleep with* but the sadistic run on joke has been too long and too far. *sigh* oh well *hugs her bunny*
I am going to make the kitty sweater but from prices... I believe I'll buy the materials in the summer when it's cheaper and then make it for next winter.
Well enough for now bye bye
p.s. trevor if you are reading this please stop... it is rude you know and I have a post I will put up if I find you are still reading this... a large post on my opinions on ALL of the trevors I have met in my life.... *twisted smile*