*melts in happiness*

Apr 29, 2007 23:49


Yes, I am the biggest dork ever. But like...I don't get it! I lack confidence in my writing sooo much, so I just can't fathom so many people liking anything I've written! I just posted the seventh chapter this evening, and within an hour the fic went from have 94 reviews to 105. I AM IN SHOCK! And all of the ( Read more... )

fanfics, kingdom hearts

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readingchick May 4 2007, 22:37:47 UTC
Well, why not? It's a spiffy story. XD

On another note, welcome to khlove_is! Hashi and I are wonderfully happy to have you. Hope to see some of your work soon.



setsuntamew May 4 2007, 22:48:28 UTC
Aw, thank you :D

Yes, I do! I swear, before KH2 when the fandom was smaller, there were like...three Riku/Kairi fics in existence. It was so sad ;_; I think I shall write a fic focused on just that pairing soooon, just for khlove_is :D


readingchick May 4 2007, 22:52:43 UTC
Technically, khlove_is is for shonen-ai, but if you have a slash side-pairing, I think we can allow it. Hashi and I have been talking a little about expanding the pairings. The problem is that we don't want sappy SoKai or anything...it irritates us both, since I'm a Rikairi supporter and Hashi's for Soriku. I suppose we could restrict it to crack pairings, but yeah, we have to work something out.

I've got some ideas in the works, too, but I need a villain... I'm hoping I can dig up some obscure Disney bad guy, but it isn't going too well so far. :S I don't want to make up a villain. My villains suck.


setsuntamew May 4 2007, 23:12:02 UTC
How about some lovely SoRiKai? I love that pairing sooo much because of KH2 ;D And yeah, sappy SoKai turned me from that pairing in the first place. I was like "UH NO".

My villains suck too ;_;


readingchick May 5 2007, 01:19:43 UTC
SoRiKai...? I think that might fulfil the requirements. XD And I know what you mean about SoKai - everything is so cliche about that pairing. At least unusual pairings tend to force people to be a little creative. That's why my OTP is Saix/Larxene.

Villain creation sucks, and besides, I've been scared of creating OC's for a while - I'm afraid they'll turn out rotten/Sueish. At the moment, the two candidates are Judge Frollo and the Evil Queen from Snow White. I'm leaning in the direction of the Evil Queen, since she's got more connection to Kingdom Hearts.


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