(no subject)

Dec 15, 2006 00:59

aboywithhooves proposed a 12 days of Zemyx thing for Christmas, and these are my contributions for the the first two days! Whoo yeah. Spred the Zemyx love, everyone! Join the Zemyx community, rigo_argutiae!


Zexion looked up as he heard someone calling out his horrendous nickname. It turned out to be none other than Demyx, who was running towards him and holding something tightly in his hand.

"Zexy, I brought you a present!" Demyx exclaimed, thrusting something into his hands gleefully.

Zexion stared at it. The object was red and white striped and in the shape of a cane. He had a vague recollection of the item, but he couldn't quite recall what it was.

"What exactly is this?"

Demyx frowned, disappointed. "It's a candy cane, silly!"

"A what now?"

"It's December, right? So it's near Christmas-time! I found these when I had to go to Christmas Town a couple of days ago and I thought I'd share one with you," Demyx explained.

Zexion was still a bit confused. "But what do I do with it?"

"You eat it! It's candy! Don't tell me you've never had one before!" The blond looked horrified at the very thought of it.

"I don't think I ever had a reason to have one," Zexion replied.

"Okay, then I'll show you! First you have to take the plastic wrap off, and then you just suck on it! I start at the straight end, but you can eat it however you want," Demyx said, demonstrating. "See?"

Zexion watched intently as Demyx sucked happily at the candy cane, completely oblivious to the discomfort that he was causing his fellow Nobody. Demyx eventually noticed that Zexion hadn't even touched his candy yet, and removed his own from his mouth.

"Zexy~! Aren't you going to eat yours?" Demyx asked, pouting.

"I guess I'll just try it," Zexion answered, shaking his head slightly. Was it really that important that he try a piece of candy? At least then he'd be distracted from watching Demyx.

Demyx stared at him earnestly, waiting for his reaction.

Zexion licked thoughtfully at the tip of the candy cane, testing it out. The candy was minty, with a hint of cinnamon and sweetener. It smelled faintly of the holidays, he decided.

"So? What do you think?" Demyx asked eagerly.

"It's not bad," he said impassively.

Demyx pouted again. "That's because it's good, right? Aren't they good?"

"I think," Zexion began, choosing his words carefully. "I think that I liked it better when you were eating it."

"What?" Demyx questioned, before the answer suddenly dawned on him. "Oh. Oh."

Zexion merely smirked as he tugged Demyx down for a kiss.

Demyx loved Christmas. Before he'd been a Nobody, winter had been his favourite season, especially around the holidays. His strongest memories were of celebrating and decorating, memories of warmth and togetherness. He wanted nothing more than to continue to celebrate it every year, surrounded by friends and family.

Which was why Demyx wanted to bring Christmas to The Castle That Never Was. He may be a Nobody, but he still wanted to enjoy the holiday season.

Xemnas, surprisingly enough, had agreed to it. Thus, Demyx had spent the last few days going back and forth from Christmas Town, bringing back trees, wreaths, and other assorted holiday goodies. He had then rushed around the castle, trying to get the whole place decorated before Christmas Eve.

Somehow, he'd done it. The halls draped with chains of pine branches, there were wreaths on every door, and the main hall had been filled with beautifully decorated trees. There were red and green ribbons covering every surface and boughs of pine were arranged in the centers of the tables. All in all, Demyx thought that he'd done a wonderful job.

Still, he had the feeling that he'd forgotten something. It was odd, because he was sure that he'd double-checked his supply list, but the sensation wouldn't go away.

Demyx was pondering this as he stood at the entrance to the main hall, waiting for everyone to arrive. It was Christmas Eve and they were having a party, and he wanted to greet everyone. It had been his idea, anyway.

"I think you forgot the mistletoe."

Demyx jumped slightly in shock, turning to look in the direction of who had spoken. He blinked in surprise.

"Zexy! You made it," he said gleefully. Demyx hadn't expected the Cloaked Schemer to come at all, let alone be there early.

"I had to make sure that you didn't mess something up," Zexion replied. "And I see that you did."

"What? Oh, mistletoe! I knew that I was forgetting something! Can you watch the door while I run off to Christmas Town and get some?" Demyx asked, slightly flustered at forgetting something so important.

Zexion reached out to stop him from leaving. "No need. I brought a bit," he said.

"You did? Thank you! What would I do without you?" Demyx exclaimed happily.

Zexion didn't answer, instead reaching up to hang a branch of mistletoe in the doorway.

Demyx continued to grin, unaware that he was currently standing underneath the mistletoe. Zexion looked at him expectantly.

"You can go in, you know," Demyx finally said, a bit confused as to why Zexion was still standing in the doorway. "There's food and stuff!"

"Aren't you forgetting a Christmas tradition?" Zexion asked, glancing from Demyx up to the mistletoe and back.

"Huh?" Demyx replied intelligently, following Zexion's gaze upwards. "Oh, mistletoe. Yes." Pause. "Wait a moment..."

Zexion rolled his eyes, waiting for Demyx to figure it out.

"Uh..." Demyx blushed, a light pink dusting his cheeks. "So, um...can I kiss you then?" he asked, rushing the last part together. Zexion laughed softly, nodding. Demyx leaned down slightly and planted a soft kiss on the older Nobody's lips. When he pulled back, Demyx was blushing even brighter than before.

"Merry Christmas," Zexion said softly.

pee ess- JumpFestaJumpFestaJumpFestaOMGZEXY'SWEAPON *spazz spazz spazz* LESS THAN TWO DAYS WHOO!!!

zemyx, zexion, kingdom hearts, holiday fics, demyx

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