Fandom Snowflake Challenge | Day 13

Jan 16, 2019 11:39

Day 13 | In your own space, set some goals for the coming year. They can be fannish or not, public or private.

I've been doing daily and weekly goals so far this year (by...writing them on paper, because I'm an old person), but I do wanna take the time to make a proper list of goals for the entirety of 2019.
  • Write more: I joined
    getyourwordsout and pledged to do 200k words, which sounds like a lot, but I'm pretty confident that I can do it. I do 50k+ during NaNoWriMo, so that's just....150k for the rest of the year... I have some specific goals for writing, too :D
    • Finish A Bit of Blackened Fate. This is my longest fanfic ever and I have th entire thing planned out, I just need to sit down and finish it. I've never finished a chaptered fic before!! I gotta do it!
    • Finish and edit what I wrote during NaNoWriMo 2018. I wrote a decent chunk of an original novel, and I'd like to see that finished. So I guess I gotta make it happen myself XD
    • Open up drabble/one shot requests again, either here or on...tumblr :T I love doing things for others, and some of my best Magi fics were written from prompts/requests.
  • Join more fandom spaces: I've felt a disconnect from fandom over the past year or so, partially because I pulled back from being on tumblr as much and partially because I've been busy with IRL stuff. I miss meeting new people and having fandom discussions! I miss the community of it!! So it's time to rejoin that world XD
  • Make graphics again: A huge part of my early fandom contributions was icons and graphics. Fanfiction was the other part and I've kept up with that, but I don't make icons the way I used to. I already set up a graphics community here on DW, and I plan on updating it at least once or twice a month.
  • Keep my living space cleaner: Can't write shit if there's nowhere to sit down!! Staying organized is an uphill battle for me, but I still want to try. I always feel better when the apartment is cleaner. I currently get most of my writing done at work because it's easier to focus there, and a lot of that stems from how clean it is there compared to at home.

writing, event: snowflake challenge

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