Fandom Snowflake Challenge | Day 11

Jan 13, 2019 22:22

Day 11 | In your own space, talk about your creative process(es) - anything from the initial inspiration to how you feel after something’s done. Do you struggle with motivation or is it a smooth process? Do you have any tricks up your sleeve to pull out when a fanwork isn’t cooperating? What is your level of planning to pantsing/winging it?

Full disclosure: I have ADHD that is completely unmedicated, so focus is a huge struggle for me. I've been putting off this entry because I hate talking about my failures, but I guess doing difficult things is part of the "challenge" part of this event :T

I'd rank graphics/icon making as the easiest thing for me: when I'm hit with inspiration for icons, I just open up Photoshop and go. I've been doing it for long enough that I don't really know how to describe my process, since I've got a method that works for me that involves having the locations of all my favorite resources memorized. They're in a ton of folders on an external hard drive, so it probably seems like a hot mess to anyone else. But for me, it works great :D

When it comes to writing, I have no shortage of ideas or inspiration; I can come up with plots and prompts very easily. It's sitting down to actually write them down that causes problems. After a lot of trial and error, I've found that writing on paper is the best method for me, at least for first drafts. There's no internet inside of a hardback notebook, just crisp lined pages and the potential for stories. For longer fics, I do some light outlining, but for short one shots and drabbles, I just wing it and hope for the best!

I tend to drink a lot of coffee, because caffeine is how I self-medicate my attention/focus issues! :D There's nothing like curling up on the couch with a mug of coffee, or tucking myself into a corner of coffee shop with
dragonofeternal, and getting some words onto the page. If I'm out in public space, I usually have music blasting through headphones, and I switch up genres pretty regularly to keep the creative juices fresh and flowing.

I also do a lot of writing in the downtime at work. I'm lucky enough to have a job where I can fuck around some when it's slow, so I take advantage of it when I can. If I'm at work, I can sometimes trick my brain into being in productive mode, which helps a lot.

My other trick is to sign up for challenges, wait until the last minute, and write 10k words over the course of 24-48 hours while actively dying. This is not a method I'd suggest, but it's definitely one that I've done more times than I'd like to admit XD NaNoWriMo is like a slowed down, stretched out version of this, so I get a lot of writing done during it.

And then I hibernate for the next six months!

Anyway, those are the Killian-tested methods of creating fanworks!! A lot of it is an uphill battle for me, but I have no plans of giving up!

writing, event: snowflake challenge

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