I'M SO SAD!!!!

Jan 04, 2019 19:22

The Kmart across the street from my apartment is closing ;w; I knew this was inevitable, since it's pretty much guaranteed that the whole Sears/Kmart corporation is gonna go under eventually, but I'm still so sad. I was desperately heartbroken when the Kmart of my childhood closed a few years ago!!! I thought this one was safe because it's consistently busy....I guess I was wrong ;w;

I'm trying to look on the bright side and take it as a time to do some dead & dying retail photography (like I did when Toys R Us was going out of business) but still!!! I didn't want it to end like this...I'm not ready to say goodbye D:

I have a weird fixation on Kmart (not Sears though, just Kmart) brought on by hours and hours reading about dead malls & etc. But now I'm in too deep; the highlight of my last trip to NYC was visiting one of the Kmart locations there. It was fancy and I had loads of fun! I took a million pictures like a huge dorky tourist :D

But now I'm just like fuck fuck fuck why is mine closing??? We actually do a fair amount of shopping there because it's literally across the street and well priced. They don't always have what we need but they have a lot, and I'm just...sad ;w;

retail apocalypse, kmart

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