I have a vanity now!!!

Dec 28, 2018 22:24

I took my xmas bonus to ikea and bought what I needed for a vanity!!! I've been doing my makeup at an ancient computer desk for the past few years, but I ran out of storage space in it pretty quickly. It really wasn't what I needed...but also money is hard so I couldn't afford to replace it. however!!! now I have a lovely one!!! :D I'm still waiting for a few of the acrylic organizers to get here from amazon, but it still looks amazing :D

this is what I spent most of yesterday working on and I'm so happy with it~~

I got too distracted in ikea to take any real pics until we got to checking out...oops!!! here are some of the pieces tho (and clearance xmas wrapping paper)

Pat taking apart the old one!!! I also forgot to take before pictures, but I'm pretty sure I have some in the depths of my instagram...

I found some extra charms/keychains in the old desk and just hung them on the xmas tree, because being an adult is having yaoi anime charms as xmas ornaments :D

arahith aka Pat reading the very important building instructions

construction has begun!! Pat did basically 90% of it while I did the important job of overseeing the progress :D

me realizing that the mirror needed to go in the same place as my board of juhaku pins & charms & etc...I'm so bad at spacial reasoning and didn't think of it ahead of time ><

the mirror going up!!!

drawer organization in progress...it's so fucking satisfying!

I found candle holders at ikea that look like they belong in The World That Never Was, and re-purposed them to hold makeup sponges and lip scrub!

another finished shot, this time with me holding Lumos~

I had to move this Hakuryuu acrylic standee because he didn't fit on the vanity, but he's right at home on my computer desk :D

anyway, that was the bulk of my day off yesterday!!! I'm looking forward to getting some more organizers and dividers for the drawers later, but for now I'm out of money XD it was a good use of my bonus though!!!!! :D

organizing, lumos, around the home, pat, pictures, makeup

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