fandom characters survey!

Feb 02, 2010 04:37

You know...someday I will learn to sleep like a normal person. I feel like I'm in high school all over again >_>

Snagged from drop_down_dead!

Name seven of your characters/muses. Then, answer the questions.

In order of ability to relate/importance/influence on my works:
1. Yami Bakura/Thief King Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
2. Ryou Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
3. Malik Ishtar (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
4. Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
5. Yami Malik/Marikku (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
6. Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
7. Zexion (Kingdom Hearts)

What do you do with them?
Cosplay (Bakura & Axel, and someday Riku), fanfiction out the wazoo, roleplay (with Patti, really just the YGO characters), and moar fanfiction. I have this entire epic fic world planned out in my head; they run around in it and annoy/entertain me.

Do you feel close to them?
Ryou & Bakura. Bakura is the voice in my head that tells me to punch all the annoying people in my classes XD Ryou is just...I don't know. I just do. And Riku, so much Riku, I've loved him since I started up KH1. I love his side of the story & his character so much more than Sora.

Do you believe they're real?
I wish! But no.

Are any of them dating each other?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA oh my god. Okay. Only in my head and if you read into the yaoi subtext of YGO.

Have any of them ever been killed?
Ryou, but he got better. Bakura, yes. Marikku, vaguely yes (banished to the Shadow Realm counts, I guess). Axel & Zexion, also yes cries cries cries, what is it with me and loving characters that get killed off? Riku has actually sort of died too but he also got better. I think Malik's the only one here who has managed to stay alive...mostly XD

Have you drawn them?
Ummm yes, mostly just doodles in my notebooks but yes.

Number 1: Yami Bakura/Thief King Bakura

What do they do for a living?
Steal things, plot the pharaoh's demise, play a children's card game, kill things

What do they dress like?
Like an effeminate British boy. I mean, what? Basically whatever Ryou has on, which is a lot of pastel blue. Except in ancient Egypt. Then he wears a mini skirt and awesome coat...thing.

Who is their best friend?
I'm pretty sure he doesn't consider anyone his friends, just his partners in crime. If that.

How would they respond to abuse?
By holding a grudge for 3000+ years. Or killing them/banishing their soul to the Shadow Realm.

Do they have any nicknames?
King of Thieves? Not really, no, unless you think Bakura isn't is real name.

Are they seeing anyone? Married?
In fandom? Apparently everyone. In canon? No one, technically, though I think he had a thing with Malik.

What species are they?
Human. Ancient spirit of a human. Same thing, really.

Do they eat meat?
HAHAHAHA YES. nom nom nom steak eating!

What kind of accent do they have?
British in the 4Kids dub. Other than that...I don't know; I couldn't tell you if he had an accent in Japanese.

Are they a virgin?
I highly doubt it.

Number 2: Ryou Bakura

What do they do for a living?
Student! And he plays Monster World & tries to stop Bakura from killing off all his friends.

What do they dress like?
Jeans, t-shirt, collared shirt. Lotsa blues. He's cute :D

Who is their best friend?
I don't think he has any one best friend, but he's close-ish with Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, and Anzu.

How would they respond to abuse?
Bakura would just show up and kill them...or be the one shoving a knife into his arm.

Do they have any nicknames?
None of his friends call him by his first name & Bakura refers to him as his host/yadonushi.

Are they seeing anyone? Married?
God, no, Bakura kills off all his friends before he has a chance to get that far. I think he would only date men, though, more so than anyone else on my list except maybe Malik.

What species are they?

Do they eat meat?

What kind of accent do they have?
British XD

Are they a virgin?
I'm going with yes, unless you count Bakura using his body for sex with random men he picks up on the street (aka Malik).

Number 3: Malik Ishtar

What do they do for a living?
Plot the pharaoh's demise, order around an army of Steves (aka mind slaves), play a children's card game

What do they dress like?
A sixteen year old female hooker. Oh, Malik. He's either in dark purple flowing robes or tight black pants & a lilac, sleeveless belly shirt hoodie thing.

Who is their best friend?
Himself. Maybe Rishid.

How would they respond to abuse?
Create a psycho personality to take the pain of it. Seriously, man...

Do they have any nicknames?
Nope. Though there is the whole Malik/Marik debate on his name.

Are they seeing anyone? Married?
Only in fandom. In canon he's too busy planning on killing the pharaoh and hunting for the last god card.

What species are they?

Do they eat meat?
ew ew ew no, Malik is a vegetarian.

What kind of accent do they have?
REALLY STUPID NASALLY in the 4Kids dub. Egyptian in the Arabic dub. Dunno about the Japanese.

Are they a virgin?
Probably. Unless Bakura's been having sex with random men he picked up on the street. Then no, no he isn't XD

Number 4: Riku

What do they do for a living?
Saving the universe with Sora.

What do they dress like?
PUFFY PANTS. Okay, he got better in KH2 but still. Puffy pants man...

Who is their best friend?

How would they respond to abuse?
Not well? He'd beat up his abuser with a giant freaking key, come on now.

Do they have any nicknames?
Errr, only terrible ones in fandom.

Are they seeing anyone? Married?
In canon, no, but I am a big Sora/Riku/Kairi shipper.

What species are they?
Uh, human, I guess? KH is an alternate universe but I'm pretty sure he's human.

Do they eat meat?

What kind of accent do they have?

Are they a virgin?
Yeah, probably. He would only act like he knew what he was doing...

Number 5: Yami Malik/Marikku

What do they do for a living?
Try to destroy the world, play a children's card game, fail hard core at using computers (ie he beats them up)

What do they dress like?
Khakis, black tank top, and dark purple cape. yum :P

Who is their best friend?
No one, though he'd like it to be Malik, I think.

How would they respond to abuse?
Killing them. Yeah, no questions there, just killing. Torture first, probably.

Do they have any nicknames?
They call him Dark Marik in the dub. Fandom has come up with a billion different names for him. I go with Marikku, though I always have it explained in my fanfics.

Are they seeing anyone? Married?
Yeah, I'mma go with no.

What species are they?
Another personality turned into something more through magical powers.

Do they eat meat?
If there's nothing else, probably. I doubt he cares too much.

What kind of accent do they have?
Batshit insane. Oh what, that's not an accent? Same as Malik, then.

Are they a virgin?
HAHAHAHAHAHAAA yes even more so than Malik.

Number 6: Axel

What do they do for a living?
Kill people to collect their hearts for Kingdom Hearts. God, what is with me and villains?

What do they dress like?
Black shirt, pants, boots, gloves, and long black coat with silver beads across the front.

Who is their best friend?

How would they respond to abuse?
Light them on fire XD

Do they have any nicknames?
Lea was his name in a past life.

Are they seeing anyone? Married?
Roxas. I don't care, 358/2 Days was quite possibly the gayest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I have read fanfics that have less akuroku in them and that's the POINT OF THEM.

What species are they?
A Nobody.

Do they eat meat?
I don't know, he seems to subsist on sea salt ice cream alone.

What kind of accent do they have?
Sexy? :P

Are they a virgin?
Yeah, I'm going with no here XD

Number 7: Zexion

What do they do for a living?
Research on Kingdom Hearts, mostly.

What do they dress like?
Same as Axel, I'm not typing that out again.

Who is their best friend?
No one.

How would they respond to abuse?
Hit them with his lexicon. Or mentally fuck them up.

Do they have any nicknames?
Zexy, but that's a fanon thing. He was Ienzo in his past life.

Are they seeing anyone? Married?
Good god no. I see him with Demyx, though that's all fandom...

What species are they?
A Nobody.

Do they eat meat?
Maybe? Once again, no one ever eats in Kingdom Hearts, though he does like his tea the KH:CoM manga.

What kind of accent do they have?

Are they a virgin?
Till the day he dies, I'm sure XD

kingdom hearts, meme, yaoi, zexion, axel, yugioh, bakura, malik

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