Tekkoshocon!!! part one

Apr 10, 2009 20:40

oh man oh man, it's been too long. I've just been SO BUSY.

TEKKOSHOCON. IT WAS AMAZING. SO AMAZING!!!!!! AHHHHH! :D :D :D This is only part one, I cannot be arsed to write all of it down...so much!!!

Thursday 4/2
Cait and I had an adventure on the greyhound bus :3 We left after classes and got there by taxi with my chakrams in our laps. OH YEAH. I made chakrams, they are so epic, oh man. ANYWAY. When we finally got on the bus, we thought we could fit them in the overhead compartment. BUT NO. I had to ride for over five hours with about 15-20 pounds of chakrams on my lap.

Anyway, the trip was highlighted with Cait sleeping, chakrams EVERYWHERE, and this weird lady who was clapping and dancing to her music. And then she started singing...which involved her going "fat people, faaat people, big ass people!"


Well, we got into Pittsburgh, my dad picked us up, and I got to DRIIIIIVE!!! Also there were fresh strawberries waiting for us at the house! :D It was pretty spiff. We then passed out due to tired.

Friday 4/3
Cait and I ran errands around Pittsburgh (buying PVC pipe stuff and tape for my chakrams and eating stuff from Whole Foods...also I had to get an HPV shot) in the morning. We also stopped into Gamestop so I could say hi :3

Then, ELLIS! We came in, I said hi to some teachers, then hung out with Patti during her anthro class~ It was spiff spiff. Patti, Sheep, and Nessa came back with us to do last minute stuff on costumes.

...which took four hours. RIGHT. We had to reattach my sleeves, fix my wig, STYLE Patti's wig, and just lots of little things. Like finishing my chakrams, they didn't have the handles yet. BUT ANYWAY. We finished eventually and it was all worlds of epic.

CON. omg THE CON. SO SPIFF!!! Cait, Patti, Josh, and I went to pick up our pre-reg passes. YAY WEEKEND PASS! I haven't gone all weekend since 2006, so this was nice. We could barely make it to the registration room though! People kept stopping us for pictures.

We stayed for a few hours, got some pictures, had TONS of people take pictures of us, and met up with Dylan & Anthony. Also, we saw this HILARIOUS comedian. FUN TIMES :D

AND OH MAN. THE CONVENTION CENTER. IT IS HUGE! It is bigger than the one Otakon is held in, actually! So we have tons of room to grow and tons of room to SURVIVE. It is like...not completely smashed like last year, seriously, we were stuck in this dinky little hotel. This year it was HUGE!!!!! There was this awesome outside area with balconies, too!!

After the con, we went to Eat 'n' Park (it's like Denny's and Ihop combined, but better) all in costume. SO MUCH FUN. We ordered a ton because we hadn't eaten since before the con hours and hours ago, so we were starving. All the waitresses thought we were spiff :3

Then they sat this huge group of people who were like...early twenties and looked like they walked out of an Abercrombie magazine right next to us XD They pretended we didn't exist, it was epic.

Finally, sleeeeeep. And that's where I'm ending for now because damn, I have a lot to write...

More coming tomorrow or something...a lot happened and I'm still mourning over Bleach D:

tekkoshocon, josh, pittsburgh, cons, girlfriend, cosplay, patti, kingdom hearts, i love my friends, cait, bleach, akuroku

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