[FIC] Next Door, Next to You, CH7

May 25, 2010 03:53


For someone wearing those heavy-looking boots, Kyuhyun pondered how Zhou Mi could run so fast like that. He was already at his edge - heaving breaths and sweating like mad chasing the Chinese man and only when Zhou Mi tripped himself over an unforeseen bin and fell rather clumsily that Kyuhyun finally caught up.

It was really... awkward with Zhou Mi’s butt on the concrete ground of the city street and Kyuhyun was catching his breath, steadying himself with hands on his knees with lowered head. Luckily, no spectator was around, since, well, it was practically at the dead of the night now. Who persons were on their right mind to run around outside where it was dark and cold? Apparently, him and Zhou Mi. Two idiots, that was just about right.

“Y-you could’ve told me you’d be coming home early.” Kyuhyun began, still sucking for good amounts of oxygen. “And whatever you saw back the apartment, it was nothing- Zhou Mi, will you please look at me?”

But Zhou Mi eased a disbelieving expression, turning away and just sat there, right in front of him, breathing deeply. Right there, Kyuhyun knew he needed much more than that to convince Zhou Mi. “If I knew you already had a girlfriend - a very pretty one with long hair, I shouldn’t-

“Stop. What part of ‘nothing’ didn’t you understand? She’s someone my parent sent who I don’t care. My parents thought I’d like a pretty girl when I see one but, fuck it, they’re wrong in so many levels. Apparently they don’t know my type - long-legged, failing Korean language, a foreigner who’s pursuing a worthwhile career.”  Kyuhyun suddenly reached for the sitting man and took his face, making sure Zhou Mi look at him. “My type happens to be this idiot who dotes too much, caring and is prone to be loved by everyone. I can’t blame them. This one’s... just too loveable and so good-looking.”

Just when Kyuhyun thought that the message - confession of sorts - finally sank in and that Zhou Mi stared back at him with equal seriousness, Kyuhyun nearly slipped his grip when Zhou Mi asked, dejectedly, “It’s that guy at the convenience store, isn’t it? Heechul told me about him and he fits the description. Heechul likes him too and maybe you do too. He must be really that good-looking of a Chinese, isn’t he?”

Kyuhyun stared for a moment before choking. “Wha-No!” Which part wasn’t, Kyuhyun almost pondered but then it didn’t matter when he saw Zhou Mi wiping visible tears behind his no-grade glasses with a finger, trying not to sniffle like a little kid. Zhou Mi honestly looked so sad and no amount of make-up could mask that disappointed look on his face. “Hankyung-hyung? No! He’s Heechul for christ’s sake. Have you seen how he and Heechul look at each other? Goosebumps. They’re giving me Goosebumps, I’ll share you that.”

But he was still frowning; that smile of his was still upside down and it shouldn’t be that way because it was supposed be shining bright like the sun, so pleasantly and a no-smiling Zhou Mi was the worst thing Kyuhyun had ever seen since he looked at Zhou Mi tonight.

Something must be done. Something must make him smile again. But what?

Then a thought hit him.

Kiss? Should he kiss him? Not when after he pushed away Zhou Mi before and now he was going to try kissing him back? Wasn’t like the dumbest move to make after rejecting someone because of uncertain feelings? Did Kyuhyun even deserve the second chance?

Kyuhyun felt himself being pulled down the ground, embraced so tightly and so suffocatingly and just so nice around his torso. “Kui Xian, I’m sorry but... I really, really like you that I can’t take it. I can’t stop myself liking you this way. Okay, so I’m gay and I hope you’ll have the heart to accept me? I promise not to be such a burden and that my orientation wouldn’t be in the way of our friendship anymore and-

“You’re impossible. You’re seriously impossible.” Kyuhyun interrupted before pulling away from Zhou Mi’s arms and for a second there, he saw him getting all teary again - rejection, here it comeeees, inwardly to the Chinese man himself - until Kyuhyun shifted his knees on the ground, took Zhou Mi’s cheeks on his palms, pulled him in such close proximity and declared in mighty glory, “Don’t you dare stop shit on me because I like you too, you dolt. And I mean that in that way kind of like.”

He stopped and breathed and slowly spoke in a low voice that Kyuhyun didn’t knew he could do. “I want you, just as badly, Zhou Mi.”

He kissed him, a little awkwardly and all failing but the sweet kind of fail when he just froze right there, not sure what to do next. This was Kyuhyun’s first, after all.  Or at least he thought so. (A/N: it isn’t. Hah!)

This time neither one didn’t stop midway or reject the other. And, did he just feel Zhou Mi’s smile on his lips?

Ah, tonight was just grand.


Or not yet.

“You’re still here? After all I said and told and you’re still here? What will it take me for you to understand that I’m not the one for you, huh? I. DON’T. LIKE. YOU. Not even a bit.”

This drama reached until ungodly hours and Kyuhyun thought he and Zhou Mi would be going back to their crib peacefully but they reached their floor with Minah Kim sitting-leaning against Kyuhyun’s door, waiting. Zhou Mi looked rather worried but he stayed obediently where he stood - where his belongings were laid clattered about - and Kyuhyun advanced, all irritating-looking.

“Well, for one, I don’t believe you. And second, I’m much more attractive than that... him.” Minah Kim clicked her tongue, watching Zhou Mi picking his stuff on the ground from the distance and growing more infuriated. “Cho Kyuhyun-sshi, with me, your future’s certain and bright and controlled. Like it should be. But by staying with that man, it’d be one hell of a... nightmare. Ugh. I can’t even imagine.”

“Get lost. I’m not about to hear you talking about my future. I’ve already have a handful of irritating parents so don’t add yourself to my really-annoying-people-list-to-ignore.”

This woman was ridiculously stubborn and hard-headed and just plain bothersome that Kyuhyun would really do something he might regret later if she didn’t stop nagging him. And who the hell did she think she was, talking about Zhou Mi like he was a nuisance? If there was a complete, utterly nuisance here, it was she and her stupid shoes and awful hair, Kyuhyun growled to himself.

“Kyuhyun-sshi, I’ll love you more than that guy could. I can guarantee you that.”

“No, I don’t think so.” He came with confident stridse, strong voice and unwavering look on his face as Zhou Mi stepped up between the two and towered over Minah Kim. Kyuhyun saw him smiling, but not the gentle-goof smile but the complete opposite - a snobbish and haughty smirk and so un-Zhou Mi-like with his eyes glimmering darkly. Probably a model-thing? Because this was seriously turning Kyuhyun on. “Sorry, but the only person for him is me.”

“Hmph. All bark and no bite.” She challenged. “Men.”

“Well, don’t come asking for psychiatrist fee when you see this then. “ Zhou Mi said, backing away suddenly and smirking like he had something under his sleeves. Without warning, he grabbed the surprised Kyuhyun, made him face him and fused their mouths together.

There was an escape gasp sound that Kyuhyun weren’t sure if it came from him or someone else but he was more attentive with the way Zhou Mi’s hand cradling his neck and his tongue was working down his own - running over his teeth and sliding on his, going in then slipping out then going in again.

The feeling was all too overwhelming and heart-racing and just so magical that he levered himself against the Chinese man to kiss him better, more sloppily, more urgently, messier, wetter than it could. Everything else just felt unimportant; Zhou Mi’s kisses were making him forget and were making him more alive at the same time.

By the time they parted for air, there was a visible string - all white and sticky and tasty - between their bruised mouths and Kyuhyun felt all-hazy and good that he missed that appalled look on Minah Kim and her gaping-fish mouth.

Zhou Mi just smirked; his fingertips were on Kyuhyun’s face, tracing sensual lines on his cheeks down to his mouth and sending sparks all over Kyuhyun’s body altogether. He stared at Minah Kim and the young lady just choked for a good moment before storming away, screaming something similar to, “Disgusting homos. I’m so not dating a gay man ever! Ugh! I feel so sick!”

Oh, how he quickly understood that. Zhou Mi’s vocabulary got better. Much, much better. Five pats for Zhou Mi!

“Good riddance. I thought she wouldn’t ever leave.” The model sighed in relief and smiled a little foxy to himself for a job well done. That was rather impromptu and he thought it wouldn’t work but it did, with a bonus of traumatizing that woman. Finally, she left and Zhou Mi was sure she wasn’t going to bother his Kui Xian no more.

Speaking of Kui Xian, Kyuhyun was still in his wistful trance aftermath because the feeling on his lips were still lingering and ticking him and only Zhou Mi’s concerned voice brought him back to reality.

Wait, where did that hot domineering man go to? Kyuhyun almost groaned in complain.

“Omo, are you okay? You look- oh. Hmmm, I’d be guessing you like that so much, didn’t you?” Zhou Mi chuckled lightly, squeezing Kyuhyun tightly and fittingly against him. “You have no idea how I wanted NOT to stop kissing you. I just want you now. Right here, right now.”

Oh, there he was. Kyuhyun did a mental cheer before losing completely with Zhou Mi and his touches and kisses and his sweet-to-naughty whisperings. Ah, tonight was really just grand.

And the next months were even grandeur.


“I win the bet Shindonggie. Seven hickies on Kyuhyun’s neck, including the ones on his arms and, ohh, check that out, on his collarbone!”

Shindong grunted a little sad before going back to the kitchen, muttering things like, “Why did I even bet he only had three? Dammit, there goes my Shim Ramyeun.”

Quickly as he could, Kyuhyun raised his collar and glared at the chortling Heechul by the counter. It was a little too late to hide anything or do damage control because Donghae came bounding in, staring at Kyuhyun like he was an interesting specimen. “So, do they hurt? Mine doesn’t because Henry gives me those but no on my neck. He bites down-

“Too much information, hyung!” Kyuhyun cried exasperatedly. “And since when did you guys are so interested with my love life anyway!? I’m sure you, Heechul-hyung, have yours because, hell, who couldn’t miss those bouquets of flowers by the entrance, huh? It’s practically invading the space there! And, oh, it’s no brainer that those silly flowers are from Hankyung-hyung!”

“The man wants to win my heart with floral gifts, isn’t it just oh-so-sweet? But I’m not giving in just yet. I’ll wait until he’d shove me on that counter at his store and have his way in me which of course I’ll make him beg first before-

“I’m not hearing this.” Instinctively, Kyuhyun covered his ears and groaned why he had co-workers like this or why he his life was like that. It wasn’t entirely a string of grumbling because he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t having a rocking time being with Zhou Mi and that sex wasn’t only the best thing since Starcraft was created but falling in love and experiencing new things were just so overwhelming. Overwhelmingly fun, sweet and hot.

“Oi, check out the TV! Isn’t that Zhou Mi’s commercial?” Shindong called back at the kitchen and the trio watched what seemed like yesterday’s Zhou Mi’s another new shoot with a bigger company advertisement. Zhou Mi still had that smile flashing on the screen but Kyuhyun knew that that smile was better and brighter in person.

The bells chimed and came in was no customer but a tall, model-physique man sporting simple white shirt and jeans and a distinct smile that no one could replace. Zhou Mi greeted with a little bow and Heechul just hit his head - the friendly-kind of hitting. It was the natural Heechul-thing to do.

“Zhou Mi, you are late! Now, get that pink apron at your cabinet and start waiting tables! You too, Kyuhyun! Tonight, no slackers allowed! Anyone who slacks will sing trot songs at the stage!”

Zhou Mi swiftly came next to Kyuhyun, whispering to him and making sure his lips purposely brushed against that sensitive ear. “Hey, wanna perform tonight?”

Kyuhyun wore a contemplative look before sneering. “Yeah, I wanna annoy the manager. He owes me.”

Zhou Mi’s gaze lowered and chuckled, giving Kyuhyun a one-arm embraced around the shoulder and whispering rather seductively. “Those marks... they’re really red. Looks so good on you.”

“Well, someone here bites hard. Couldn’t do anything about it.”

“Hmmmmm, well, I wouldn’t bite if you’d just let me suck-

Heechul popped his head out of the Employee’s Door and hollered. “YOU TWO! STOP HORNYING EACH OTHER AND WORK! I don’t pay you to flirt!”

Shindong’s and Donghae’s sniggering were rather audible at the back. Those two weren’t of help at all, ever since. Oh well.


Time: 2:35AM - Korea Time

Mom and Dad,

It’d only be days until I’ll come back to

Hubei and I can’t really wait to introduce

Kui Xian to you! He doesn’t know about this

yet but I’ve already prepared everything

that is needed! We’re going vacationing

there! See you soon!

- Zhou Mi

P.S. I’ll be paying back what I owe you, pops.

How much was it again? I lost track. Hahaha. ^^

Mood: In love << I wrote that because, well,

just because. :)




A/N: GOSH. IT’S FINALLY FINISH. And it took me roughly five hours to finish this chapter because I kept procrastinating and dilly-dallying and, to be honest, what happened there was kind of a half-assed plotting because I hadn’t really thought how I’d end it. It was like,’ anything goes now!’.

So, is it any good? I especially liked the conversation at the nearing end. How about you?

So, yeah, cakes and cookies and comments are loved. Don’t worry, I’m already cooking up a new ONE-SHOT that I plan to write quickly. I’m so excited to share it~

Oh, do you want other pairings from me? I think all I ever write is QMi and you guys are probably tired of them (HELL, I’M NOOOT! *laughs*) already? Hahaha~ Thanks for tuning in, everyone!

PS. If there are any typos or grammatical errors, uh, do forgive those. I’m so warped to even check and correct all because, uhh, it’s 4AM here. *sleeps*

PPS. Just so you know, Minah Kim is a, well, derivation from Bonamana? KIDDING! :DDDDDDD Because there’s a name there Minah, isn’t it? Hahahaha! *lame, sleeps for realz*

- Setsu

pairing: qmi, super junior, genre: yaoi/smut, subject: zhou mi, type: multi-chapter, pairing: hanchul, genre: drama, !fanfic, subject: kyuhyun, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, rating: nc-17/r, genre: humor/comedy, author: setsuna_k, genre: romance

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