The Main Tent: Introductions!

Dec 31, 2030 19:21

Welcome to Crazy Carnival, my little fanfic site of nothing but Super Junior stories.
What you'll see here are my works of literary art, ranging from fluffy romance to steamy man-on-man action fiction.

If you're offended by these kinds of things, then please humbly leave.I will not be responsible for any discomfort you'll feel after poking around ( Read more... )

author: setsuna_k

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themagiczebra April 18 2011, 12:52:05 UTC
After reading your "Family Relations" story and its sequel, I pretty much did something close to spazzing but honestly, that's a big understatement right there. =)))))))) The flow of the story, the characterization, the friggin' FLAWLESS GRAMMAR hit me like a brick wall so I declared myself a stalker of yours, like, five seconds after I finished. Beware because I could so pass for a professional stalker. :"> And, when I thought that things couldn't get better, I discovered your nationality and course.

WOMAN. PERSON. I'M a Filipina. I'M taking up Fine Arts, major in Visual Communication (or Advertising) in UPD. Seriously. Seriously! xDDDDDD I am waaaayyy too amazed right now. :3

I don't have much time nowadays because of my summer job AND internship, but I WILL read ALL of your fanfics, just you wait. I might not comment on some because I'm not much of a comment-leaver but I SHALL go crazy over what I expect are excellent works of yours! :)

By the way, my name is Rakkel. ♥


setsuna_k April 18 2011, 13:20:25 UTC
omaygawd! it's this glorious thing when you find fellow filipino sj writers! i'mma so happy to meet you!! *shakes your hand excitedly* and, accccck! i'm growing shy already! a.sldf;sdlfksdlfk *hides*

woah, man. Visual Comm in UPD? though i didn't know vis-com is also known as advertising. OHMYPROFOUUNDKNOWLEDGEBABY you must be all sorts of awesome-sauce! I SHALL DECLARE YOU OZM. *sparkly eyes ( ... )


themagiczebra April 18 2011, 14:35:53 UTC
OH. Your reply is so spazztastic. I love it! :D ( ... )


setsuna_k April 20 2011, 02:57:00 UTC
oh oh! we're both incoming Seniors then! a;sldgjds;fjdsf gah! THESIIIIIS!! //shakes fist

but, oh, you do that topic okay? if there's one thing i understand during my soul-searching weeks for a thesis topic is that DO WHAT YOU'RE REALLY REALLY TRULY INTERESTED WITH. ika nga sabi ng faculty namin, choose a topic that you can stomach for one year. You will eat, drink, sleep, make-love with your thesis for the next 10 months. So, well, let's hope for the best! And let's be optimistic!

i saw your deviantart? AND HOLY SMOKES YOU'RE AMAZING WITH COLOR PENCIIIIILS!!! ;ldfds;fkdlfk rendering's also awesoooome! how long have you been doing illustrations?? they're really REALLY good!

SJ WRITING? YES PLEASE. I've yet to properly update mine. hope to hear from you soon, rakkel! <3


themagiczebra April 20 2011, 07:34:25 UTC
You will eat, drink, sleep, make-love with your thesis for the next 10 months.
>> Now I'm more convinced to make a thesis related to Super Junior. =))))))

LOLOLOL! Eeerrmmm, if you're talking about my J-pop fan artworks, I learned how to draw/render/color that way with colored pencils only at the time that I made those. Before that I sucked at portraits. xDDDDDD It was out of obsession and the need to give justice to those guys' perfection, I suppose. But I've been drawing since I was in fifth grade. How about you? :)

Hey, hey, yesterday I met someone from UST and in FA as well. Her name is Bern. She's an incoming fourth senior and an intern in the same place I'm at. It might be a long shot but do you know her? :>


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