[FIC] A Leader's Love, CH1

Jul 20, 2009 00:11

Chapter 1: Big Problem?


Manager-hyung stared at me in disbelief and looked like he was ready to pass out any time soon. He even looked paler than never before. I better get ready those stress-reliever medicines (or worse, his ammonia medicines) he always took every time he felt like he was at the point of fainting.

“Are you serious, Eeteuk-ah?! Everyone is… IS-

I continued nodding, halting my manager before he could even choke out the last pieces of his sentence. Even I had a hard time saying this to our very own caring and responsible manager but it couldn’t be helped. I just had to report it.

That said, in just seconds… manager-hyung did really pass out on the carpeted floor, unconsciously mumbling something like, “How am I going to explain this to the press??” or “Tomorrow’s schedule’s ruined.”

I, on the other hand, could only sigh in worried - not because of my manager who was spazzing on me but because of my members. “I have to do something about this…”

It was scheduled for Super Junior, together with Super Junior-M to have a joint concert here in China to promote more of our music and name. It was our President’s idea, saying that, “China, being a large country and all, needs more of your love! What better way to answer their humble request by sending all of you guys there?”

And a few pulling of strings here and there, the members immediately got on a private bus and zoomed straight to the land three of our members originated. It was nice having Zhou Mi and Henry with us since it was rare having the 15 members - including Kibum who was so busy with his dramas and acting career - at one place.

Things were going smooth from the start. Donghae-ah and Eunhyukkie, together with Kibummie, Hankyung-ah, Zhou Mi-ah and Henry-ah doing their usual road-trip hand games which involved hitting the opponet’s head hard. I cringed at Kibum-ah hitting Donghae-ah’s head solid and hard - mercilessly. Laughter ensued after.

Heechullie was too busy looking at his custom-made mirror and murmured something like, “I gotta look good for China!”

My obedient dongsaengs Sungminnie, Ryeowookie, Yesungie and Kyuhyunnie just slept on their seats while their earphones were plugged in their respective ears. I couldn’t blame them snoozing the trip away since we woke up earlier than usual.

Lastly, Shindong, Siwon and Kangin just sat near to each other and exchanged snacks, happily discussing their plans once we got off the bus and tour around the foreign country.

Like I mentioned before, things were starting off perfectly… until I noticed the bus driver of our well-unrecognized vehicle coughing and sneezing from time to time. Being the worried person that I was, I approached the older man. “Ajusshi, are you okay?”

“Ah, no worries!” The man, who looked like he was in his late-thirties, forced an energetic grin, only to be followed with more of coughing. He then croaked, “I’m totally fine…!”

I gave him a disbelieving look but soon shrugged it off. Perhaps it was really nothing and I was worried for nothing as well. Still, his incessant coughing and sneezing distracted me from time to time.

Who knew that later that evening after that long-houred trip, when we finally arrived at our hotel and packed our belongings to our respective rooms, I was faced with the worst problem any group could encounter, most especially when we were away from our motherland and just entered a new environment.

I did a round-about the members’ rooms and fully expected to see very enthusiastic and hyper artists running and fooling around at the vast hallway. Instead, silence echoed the floor rented exclusively for us. “Where is everybody?”

Because it was impossible for the Super Junior members to stay quiet. It was obviously not our thing. After all, we were known as the uncontrollable trouble-makers.

So I decided to inspect each of the member’s rooms only to be left with a stunning conclusion as to why they were unusually quiet.

Coughs and sneezes soon filled the air.

Groans of muscle and body pain.

Hot temperature.


How was that possible? How could fourteen people catch a fever at the same time? It was beyond me; incomprehensible. None of it made any sense. Oh, wait… THAT AJUSSHI! ARGH!

Deciding as the leader and eldest, the members needed at least a day-off. So I cautiously approached manager-hyung to report the sudden problem only to be replied with him fainting on me.

And with that, I, Eeteuk, had settled that first thing tomorrow I would be nursing my members - starting with purchasing medicines and healthy nourishment.

Seriously, I had no idea that what I just said was easier than actually doing it. Taking care of one or two persons was something I could handle but fourteen, young males?

I was in for an interesting experience.


super junior, subject: all members, genre: brotherly-love/band-love, rating: pg, type: multi-chapter, !fanfic, subject: eeteuk, genre: humor/comedy

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