I love shirts. And I love wearing shirts. But it’s difficult to find shirts that are cut the way I want to. Or if they are, they are made for someone with completely different proportions than me.
My dad also loved shirts (he loved clothes in general) and he had a whole closet full of them so I was thinking that with some alterations I could use some of them. Shouldn’t be that difficult, right? Wrong! I realized I had to remove the sleeves and out them a little bit higher up, make them narrower and take the shirt in at the waist. So I put on one of the shirts inside out and started putting needles in it. I hate doing it that way. Because as you twist and turn to get the needles in place everything moves with you and when you straighten out the fabric does not fall the way I want. By this time I had also started making all sorts of sketches of awesome ideas for more complex alterations. I was up, unable to sleep just drawing away. ^^
Now I could ask my mother or my sister to let me use them as model but that would require too much of their time. (I also contemplated asking my brother but although we have the same shoulder width, he doesn’t have my hips XDDDD) Anyway, my solution was a dress form.
I’ve always wanted one but they are so expensive. Now I decided to make my own which would also mean that I have one that have the right proportions for making clothes for me. ^^
There are two common ways to make your own dress form. Either plaster or duct tape. I went with plaster since it seemed sturdier and just nicer in the long run. (Besides I have odd memories from my old university of being covered in duct tape… ^^)
I could not have done it without my First Officer though. ^^ Without him I wouldn’t know how wonderful it is to try and get plaster out of your hair… XDDDDD
This is me covered in plaster:
And this is the plaster monster that now lives in my room: ^^
Now I just have to make a stand for it and maybe I could actually get around to those shirts… XDDDDD
Look what I found when I came home from work: ^_________________^