Found on Rachel's LJ :P

Oct 19, 2004 12:01

Fun Firsts.

First best friend: Alexander Pas

First car: none :P

First date: never had one

First real kiss: never been kissed

First screen name: Freezeray (don't ask XD)

First self purchased CD: Blood on the Dancefloor and Off The Wall by Michael Jackson

First pets: never had any pets.

First piercing/tattoo: none

First musician you remember hearing in your house: Michael Jackson, I think


Last cigarette: never!

Last car ride: hmm...Sunday

Last kiss: Sunday evening, when my parents left

Last good cry: Not so long ago...when Becca was trying to convert me. Before that, Nidine being a bitch. Before that, Cheryl dumping me. That enough info for ya? :P

Last library book checked out: O_o;; can't remember

Last movie seen: Austin Powers (yahh babeh ^^)

Last beverage drank: Hot chocolate right now! ^^

Last food consumed: baked potatos with hamburgers :P

Last crush: Rachel before we got together ^^ before that? mm..:/ probably Gaby.

Last phone call: the supervisors here. O-o;;

Last time showered: um...O-o;; Sunday, I think. *sniff sniff* I need one x_x

Last shoes worn: my old comfy black mephistos ^^

Last cd played: Threshold's Critical Mass

Last item bought: new IQ t-shirt on Saturday ^^

Last annoyance: Taylor (hates me and thinks I'm a pervert >_>)

Last disappointment: Julie and Keely who lied about their age. u_u

Last shirt worn: IQ t-shirt ^^

Last website visited: My LJ and FFS

Last word you said: I slept very well :P

Last song you sang: Threshold ~ Choices

What color socks are you wearing: black, darkblue

What color of underwear are you wearing?: black

What's under your bed?: dust :P

What time did you wake up today? 10:30 AM


Where do you want to go? Texas ^^

What is your career going to be?: I have no idea o_o;;

Where are you going to live?: O-o;; don't know. we'll figure something out.

How many kids do you want?: my wife may decide ^^

What kind of car(s): doesn't matter to me, but I must be able to fit into it, along with our family.


Current mood: in love ^^

Current music: Arena ~ Ghost In The Firewall

Current taste: Hot chocolate!

Current hair: Normal. My hair is too short and thin to be styled :P

Current clothes: black socks, black underwear, blue jeans, blackish IQ t-shirt

Current annoyance(s): I already answered this O_O;;

Current desktop picture: Very cool and cute pinkish Card Captor Sakura ^^

Current book: None

Current color of toenails: just normal

Current hate: Hate? Ehr...nothing, really.

Mark "X" for yes...

() been drunk

() been high

() kissed a member of the opposite sex

() kissed a member of the same sex

() crashed a friend's car

() been to Japan

() ridden in a taxi

(X) been dumped

() been fired or laid off

(X) been in a fist fight

() snuck out of my parent's house

(X) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex

() ever dated someone of the same sex

(X) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back

() been arrested

() made out with a stranger

() stole something from my job

() celebrated new years in time square

() gone on a blind date

() had a crush on a teacher

() celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans

(X) been to Europe (duh, I LIVE there) :P

(X) skipped school

() cut myself on purpose

() been married

() gotten divorced

() had children

() seen someone die.

() been to Africa.

(X) Punched a friend

() Been to Canada

() Been to Mexico

() Been on a plane

() Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show

() Thrown up in a bar

() Purposely set a part of myself on fire

() Eaten Sushi

() Been Snowboarding

() Met someone in person from the internet (lol I wish :P)

() Been moshing at a concert

(X) had real feelings for someone you knew only online

() been in an abusive relationship

() been pregnant or got someone pregnant

() lost a child

() gone to college

() graduated college

() had sexual intercourse of any kind

() tried killing yourself

(X) taken painkillers

(X) love someone or miss someone right now

LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Elwin
Birthdate: May 12st 1985
Birthplace: Katy,TX
Current Location: brehnam,TX
Eye color: Brown/Green
Hair color: Blonde-ish
Height: 6'6"
Righty or lefty: Righty
Zodiac sign: Gemini/Taurus

LAYER TWO: On the Inside
Your heritage: Dutch O-o;;
Shoes you wore today: my black mephistos
Your weaknesses: being sensitive, being jealous, getting upset easily
Your fears: Being dumped, being heartbroken, being (ab)used
Goal you'd like to achieve: To be a husband to my girlfriend...forever.

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase on AIM: YAY!
Your thoughts first waking up: I want to see what Rachel posted ^^
Your best physical feature: I'm TALL!
Your bedtime: 1:00 AM
Your most missed memory: huh? most missed memory? I don't think I understand.

Pepsi or Coke: like them both
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
Single or group dates: O_o;; never really thought about it. I think a single date for starters.
Adidas or Nike: O-o;; I don't have either of them
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: None
Chocolate or vanilla: both
Cappuccino or coffee: both ^^

Smoke: never have, never will ^^
Cuss: what's "cuss" O-o;;
Sing: yes, and breaking windows too :P
Take a shower everyday: no, but that's not needed either. I smell pretty good...for a skunk :P
Have a crush(es): only on Rachel ^^
Think you've been in love: Yes
Like(d) high school: lol no :P except for my friends there
Want to get married: yesh!
Believe in yourself: lol sometimes
Get motion sickness: only when I read
Think you're attractive: no
Think you're a health freak: not really
Get along with your parents: yesh ^^
Like thunderstorms: lol don't mind them
Play an instrument: keyboards and bass guitar

LAYER SIX: In the past month have you...
Drank alcohol: never have, never will ^^
Made Out: no
Gone on a date: no
Gone to the mall?: mall? we have a supermarket here and that's it :P anyway, yes. yesterday.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: breakfast cereal, right? I used to, when I was tiny.
Eaten sushi: no O-o;
Been on stage: nuuuu! me stagefright! O_O;; though I would love to perform in a band.
Been dumped: yes...
Gone skating: I can't skate! O_O;; *falls down*
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: no
Stolen anything: never!

Played a game that required removal of clothing: O-o;;, except swimming.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: never will. what's the fun in that O-o;;
Shoplifted: Never

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: whenever my future wife is ready
Numbers and Names of Children: my girlfriend wants 6. I like the names Chloe, Valmai, Ezekiel and Alcander, but of course we'll discuss that together ^^
Describe your dream wedding: No idea
How do u want to die: in my sleep
What do you want to be when you grow up: able to handle adult life :P
What country would you most like to visit: USA ^^

LAYER NINE: In a partner
Best eye color?: doesn't matter to me ^^
Best hair color?: doesn't matter to me ^^
Short or long hair: doesn't matter to me ^^
Height: shorter than me ^^ lol isn't everybody?
Best first date location: doesn't matter to me. ^^ as long as I'm with her

LAYER TEN: In the Numbers...
Number of people: Eh? Number of people? O-o;; I don't get it.
Number of CD's I own: not much. My dad owns TONS!
Number of piercings: none
Number of tattoos: none
Number of times my name has appeared in Newspaper?: never
Number of scars on my body: on my shoulders because of an overweight backpack (darn you school >_<) at least they look cool, like tiger stripes ^^
Number of things in my past that I regret: lol many, but doesn't everybody?
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