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myka551 October 23 2011, 05:28:10 UTC
Apparently the area which is now the current International Airport in Thailand (Suwanabhumi Airport) was originally an area where the King had specified was going to be like a place where water can be directed to if Bangkok or other provinces around the area were flooded.

However the ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra did not listen to the King and built the new airport there anyways. Now central Bangkok is in danger of the floods too - according to my Grandma, this is the worst floods Thailand has ever had (yes i live here =] )

Everyone here is really stresed at the moment - all the supermarkets are emptied cause everyone is preparing for the worst. My uncle is part of one of the teams that are being assigned different districts to handle and he's really stressed at the moment cause its difficult to think of strategy when the stupid government isn't helping.

If you look in the Thai news, the new Thai prime-minister Yingluck Shinawatra isn' t doing much. There are photos of her wearing BRAND NAME boots and clothes and stuff, walking on wooden planks especially prepared for her when she is going to go "look at the situation". The government also keep on saying "We've got this, everything will be okay." Its just a bunch of BS...

So many people are affected by the floods - yet we can't do anything! My Japanese teacher's husband works in Ajinomoto which is located in Ayutthaya - which is now under like 4 meters of water or something! Luckily I go back to school (I go to boarding school in the UK) this Friday...unless the airport gets flooded too -_-''''''''''


reza_danish October 23 2011, 05:46:01 UTC
So everything is getting worst at your place?
Is it still raining over there?
Hope all the disaster will end soon at your country.
Nothing much I can do although we are country neighbour >_<
Always pray for Thailand~


myka551 October 23 2011, 06:05:30 UTC
Thank you for your kind support :)

my house hasn't really been affected that much yet - but we've got loads of sandbags and stuff just in case...and yes, it is still raining quite a bit :( I'll be going to the red cross later this afternoon to help pack stuff for those in the worst affected areas and such.


sandreen October 23 2011, 06:29:49 UTC
I'm glad to hear you're safe. :)

The government always seems to be late in handling things in times like this. :|

I can highly relate to the situation in your country, since something similar happened to mine a few years ago. It's hard to remain calm when everybody's panic-buying, and there's traffic every place where the flood hasn't reached. Then, when the flood's all gone, you'll have to clean up as soon as possible, because the mud will be harder to remove as time passes. Otherwise, your clothes and appliances can never be used again. @_@

It didn't happen to me, but it did to a lot of my relatives and friends, so I do hope that it'll be sunny in your country soon. I pray for all those people affected, especially for the ones who are probably still stranded in their own homes, with no more food left. :(
Most of all, I hope for a speedy recovery for your country.

It's not written in the Ichimen entry above, but Murao-san and Sho also mentioned that Japan's doing as much as they can for Thailand, since they have also received a lot of help from them during the earthquake last March.:)

//totally random, but I like your icon, btw. XD


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