August 22, 2011 Ichimen - Grave Situation in Libya

Aug 28, 2011 11:35

August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011 Ichimen - Grave Situation in Libya

Currently, the situation in Libya of the Middle East is becoming a serious situation. First of all, please look here:

This is Colonel Gaddafi of Libya, where a dictatorship system is imposed. Known for his outstanding speech and conduct, he was formerly called as "The Mad Dog of the Middle East."

People who oppose his thoughts were oppressed using secret police.

Colonel Gaddafi, who has been imposing a dictatorship system for more than 40 years.

Things started falling apart last February.

Some of the citizens opposed to Colonel Gaddafi raised a protest.

Thereafter, some of the soldiers who were part of Gaddafi's administration also joined in this protest.

In response to this, the Gaddafi administration resisted by gunning them down and (aerial) bombing them without discrimination.
The conflict intensified.

Soon afterwards, the multinational forces, such as the US, UK, and France, supported the protesters on March.
The attack on the Gaddafi administration party began.
After that, a stalemate situation went on, however,

the situation immediately started stirring last week.
The anti-government forces attacked the last fortress for Colonel Gaddafi, the capital Tripoli.
They have finally took over majority of the capital.

What is the situation of the offense and defense in the battlefield right now?


This is a photographed clip of the capital Tripoli today in Japan time.

The anti-government forces surged and took over "Green Square", which is in the heart of Tripoli.

Filled with joy, the anti-government forces were raising their guns to the sky, and destroying Colonel Gaddafi's posters and green slogans written on the walls.

The Green Square is a significant place for the administration party, as it is where Colonel Gaddafi carries out his speeches.

The anti-government forces, who have stretched their power as far as the heart of Tripoli.

The anti-government forces are said to have restrained the second son and successor of Colonel Gadafi, Mr. Saif Islam, and the eldest son, Mr. Muhammad.

Opposed Colonel Gaddafi. On the 21st, he broadcasted a voice message on television and called for an all out resistance.

"To the people,
leave your houses and fulfill your duty!
Do or die!
Everyone from all places assemble to Tripoli capital."

※Libya state management broadcast
※Colonel Gaddafi's message to the Libyans.

Moreover, a female newscaster supporting the Gaddafi administration...

"Everyone in this TV channel is carrying guns.
We too are prepared to die!"

Currently, nobody knows where Colonel Gaddafi is.

According to the Middle East TV channel Al Jazeera,
the administration party has prepared tanks, among others, in the area of Colonel Gaddahi's residence, which is approximately 3km south of the Green Square.
The battle is said to be continuing.

This is a photographed clip of Tripoli some time ago.

Smoke is coming up from the direction of the battlefield.

The anti-government forces is said to have gained control of most of Tripoli, but as of yet, the remaining 15% of the area is still in the hands of the Gaddafi administration.



o begin with, "Arab Spring", whereby citizens are causing democratic movements in many countries in the Middle East, is taking place.

The administrations that were especially shaken on a grand scale are these 5 countries-- Tunisia, Egypt. Libya, and then Syria and Yemen.

Though there are various circumstances (for each country),

first of all, in Tunisia, the dictatorship of President Ben Ali, which continued for 23 years, has been put to an end.

And then the next is Egypt. President Mubarak, who reigned for around 30 years, was driven to resign.

In Libya, a stalemate situation is continuing, but right now the dictatorship is being driven to the brink of its collapse.

And then, there's Syria and Yemen. There are the dictatorial leaders President Assad in Syria and President Sareha in Yemen.

If the Gaddafi administration in Libya collapses, we can foresee that some kind of effect to these 2 countries cannot be avoided.

This is because it has been arranged that the eyes of the US, UK, and others, who have been focusing on Libya for this half a year,

will focus on both of these countries next.

Will the democratization movement in the Middle East once again make a comeback in Libya, who has not yet had a chance (for democratization)?Original entry found here.

So, what do you guys think? Will Libya get their chance for democritization soon? :o And also, what do you think about the US, UK, and other's interference with another countries' political matters?

Comments are appreciated. :)

arashi, ichimen, translations

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