Silver Diamond Character and Plant Wiki

Sep 29, 2012 15:29

This page contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

NOTE: In this Wiki, Last names are written first.

Name Etymology:
Sawa (沢) means "swamp".
Rakan (羅貫) has the characters for "gauze/thin silk" and "pierce/penetrate". Rakan's name was based on the Buddhist Arhat's name.*
He is the main character. He is a 2nd year high school student. When he was young, he and his mother fell into the Sawa residence's garden. Yoritsugu picked them up and adopted him. Two years ago his mother passed away, and Yoritsugu passed away a year after that. Chigusa suddenly turned up, mistook him for the Prince and tried to kill him, but thanks to the "Sanome power" the misunderstanding was cleared. He has the "Sanome's ability" to grow plants just by touching them. He is from the same world as Chigusa. He was pissed off at "Kinrei" and the "Prince", who were planning to destroy Chigusa and the rest's world, and decided to return to the other world and fight with Chigusa, Narushige, and Tohji. He likes to do housekeeping, particularly cooking. He does things at his own pace. SENROH CHIGUSA (千鋃千艸)
Name Etymology: 
Senroh (千鋃) has the characters for "thousand" and "lock/lathanum".
Chigusa (千艸) has the characters for "thousand" and "grass/plants".
His former surname Sengin (千銀) has the characters for "thousand" and "silver".
[Spoiler (click to open)]He is the only one in the Senroh family, which is considered the "Family of Sinners", and has lived for more than a thousand years. He is from the family that doesn't die until they go mad, hence he was isolated. His name was changed into "鋃" (rou) which means "chains". He is the very same person as "Sengin", who was sealed by "Kingen" a thousand years ago. The "Senroh" seen in various years and various places was Chigusa himself. He is the only one in his "family". Whenever his body dies from receiving severe injuries, he goes into a coma to repair his body. Ever since he revived as a little child approzimately 250 years ago, his body grows older when it repairs itself. The present Chigusa who has revived after receiving the death penalty for targetted the Prince is considered to be around his late twenties based on his appearance. The name "Chigusa" (千艸) was a name given to him by the couple from the village that took him in when he was a child in appearance, so he didn't have a name before that.
Upon meeting Rakan, he slowly started to recover his lost memories and emotions. Until then, he only considered people other than himself as "harmful", "harmless", or "useful". He promised to give himself to Rakan when he has completely recovered his emotions. He sometimes phrases his words wrong and expresses his thoughts in a suggestive manner, but later on he does it on purpose. He is a self-proclaimed Rakan otaku, and the others call him "pervert". Because plants are mixed in his body, when he gets injured, the blood that comes out winds around his body like a bandage. Hence, as long as Rakan, who has the Sanome ability, is there, Chigusa is invincible. Furthermore, he has X-ray power, and can "see" faraway places. Since he is able to see much more compared to the naked eye. He usually uses glasses and the like to control it.
[Spoiler (click to open)]His duty is to be the world's Death God. His own purpose has no relation to the duty he had to do. One time, his body's healing power wasn't working, so Rakan directly seized his heart and revived him. In doing so, the "tree of hearts" grew and the strength of the thread Hoshiminokoto controls Chigusa with grew thin.  SHIGEKA NARUSHIGE (重華成重)
Name Etymology: 
Shigeka (重華) has the characters for "heavy/pile up" and "flower/gorgeous/shine".
Narushige (成重) has the characters for "become/grow" and "heavy/pile up".
He is the male born in the Shigeka clan, who is known to have only given birth to girls. For that reason, he is called a "catastrophe". He wields the sword snake Koh. Because of his appearance, he is often mistaken for a girl. He is the one who takes hold of the my-pace Rakan and Chigusa. The Sanome Prince's guards secretly call him "mother", "older sister", or "mother-in-law". When he was young, he was taken by his mother, Shigeyuki, to the serpent Mitama's place, and lived there from then on. He has a vendetta against his mother, so he is portrayed to change completely even by just hearing her name. He is weak with anyone who is related to his mother, even his younger sister Sae.
[Spoiler (click to open)]Kingen blood flows within him. KOH (虹)
Name Etymology: 
Koh (虹) means rainbow.
A poisonous snake that can talk and transform into a sword. He memorized a lot of words thanks to Rakan's electronic dictionary, but his word usage is a little weird. There are times when he complicates things when he engages in strange conversations with Chigusa. As he himself is poisonous, he can grasp the composition of a plant's poison and its cure. Since he cannot cut one from his own species, he can't transform into a sword in front of serpents. TOHNO TOHJI (灯野灯二)
Name Etymology: 
Tohno (灯野) has the characters for "light/lamp" and "field/rustic".
Tohji (灯二) has the characters for "light/lamp" and "two".
A child of the Tohno clan. Because he was blind since birth, he was shunned as a Number Child, but Kinrei and the Prince fixed his eyes. He was ordered to get rid of Rakan, Chigusa, and Narushige, but he failed. He was touched by Rakan's kindness and became his ally. When he learned the reason why Kinrei and the Prince fixed his eyes, he made a certain decision. Kazuhi, one of the frontier guards, is his brother. His main weapon is the tree bow and arrow Rakan grew. SHIGEKA SAE (重華三重)
Name Etymology: 
Shigeka (重華) has the characters for "heavy/pile up" and "flower/gorgeous/shine".
Sae (三重) has the characters for "three" and "heavy/pile up".
She is a Number Child and Narushige's younger sister. She was driven out by her mother, Shigeyuki, from their house and headed to the cave where his brother was. There, she met the serpent Mitama. She was called the "sacrifice", but she still asked Mitama to become friends with her mother. She was scared of her, but upon learning of Mitama's kindness, she wanted to be useful to her. With her "transaction" with her, she helped get back Unohana's consciousness, which was being manipulated by Kinrei. Once his consciousness returned, Unohana took her to where Narushige was. Unlike Narushige, even though she knows that her mother has shunned her, she still likes her mother.  KURO (クロ)
Name Etymology: 
Her name means "black".
An huge black-eyed female stone wolf. She was imprisoned under the ground, but was able to get out because of an earthquake. She saved Rakan and the others by attacking Hakubi and Zakuro. People are tend to be scared of her because of her looks, but she very kind deep inside, and adoringly calls Narushige "oneesama". Koh is the only one who can understand her language. When they are traveling, she lets Rakan and the rest ride on her back. Her staple food are stones and flowers. Black serpents avoid her for some reason.  AOTSUBAKI (青椿)
Name Etymology: 
Aotsubaki (青椿) has the characters for "blue" and "camellia".
An immortal bird made from leaves, branches and stones. It is one of the immortal birds called "tsubaki". Karaku of the Utaeda family gave it to Rakan's group. The immortal birds have existed ever since there were still forests in the world. Their bodies combine and separate, and break up and multiply in response to "words". Birds broken up from the same bird are connected to each other in their heads, that's why Aotsubaki can communicate with the tsubakis in the distance.
Sanome Prince's Guards
They are a group of people called Numbered Children, who have numbers attached to their names. Kinrei casted them away to the outlyings regions as the Frontier Guards (辺境警備隊, Reading: Henkyou Keibitai). During the time they were casted away, there were many Ayames, and the Numbered Children were thrown away to be food for them. Upon meeting Rakan, they abandoned their duty as Frontier Guards and became the "Guards of the Sanome Prince". Miya (宮) was the one who changed all the Numbered children's names.
Having a number in your name indicates that you are counted as an extra useless human. Although the numbered children are not killed, they are legally treated differently to get rid of the extra mouths to feed.
 KAZUHI (主匪)
Name Etymology: 
Kazuhi (主匪) has the characters for "chief/lord/principal" and "negation/evil person".
His name was previously spelled as "一灯", with the characters for "one" and "light/lamp".
25 years old. The eldest and the leader of the guards. His real name is Tohno Kazuhi (灯野一灯). When the Number Children were thrown away, he was already living in a remote region as a wandering bandit. Because of his third eye, a number was attached to his name and he was thrown away by the Tohno family. He resented his mother who threw him away. When Rakan touched the necklace his mother gave to him as a talisman, flowers bloomed from it. He then learned that the necklace contained seeds of the Flowers of Light, which was related to their family name. Tohji is his brother. MIYA (宮)
Name Etymology: 
Miya(宮) means "Shinto shrine/constellations/palace/princess". His name was previously spelled as "三夜", which has the characters for "three" and "night/evening". 
25 years old.[Spoiler (click to open)]His real name is Yorubashi Miya (夜橋三夜). Yorubashi Yoruaki (夜橋夜明), the one in the capital, is his twin brother and they look very much alike. Since he was a Number Child, Miya was the only one separated of the two, so he barely knows anything about Yoruaki.He is a letter otaku (loves kanji), and is good at selecting kanji for names. [Spoiler (click to open)]He is quite mad at Yoruaki because of what happened with Kagan Ritsuka. GOUSHI (閧士)
Name Etymology: 
Goushi (閧士) has the characters for "war cry" and "gentleman/samurai".
24 years old. He is younger than Kazuhi, but he is the oldest mentally. He is a man of the world*. (T.N.: Meaning he is an experienced person, very adult-like) AKIICHI (秋市)
Name Etymology: 
Akiichi (秋市) has the characters for "autumn" and "city/town/market".
One of the younger ones. He rebelled against Kazuhi. Upon meeting Rakan and the others he understood the way Kazuhi thinks and opened up to him. OTHER GUARDS

Yuugo (夕吾)

Minari (深鳴)

Goyou (伍葉)

Atsuhito (敦仁)

Shouji (倡嗣)

Shiei (史塋)

Nishina (西南)

Yashiki (彌式)

Mitsuba (みつば)

Fujima (藤麻)

Rokurou (淕楼)

Sayori (左頼)

Enomitsu (柄光)

Renji (蓮士)

Keiji (恵司)

Takumi (巧見) SHIRAKAWA HAKUBI (白河白琵)
Name Etymology: 
Shirakawa (白河) has the characters for "white" and river".
Hakubi (白琵) has the characters for "white" and "glissando on strings/lute". 
The Shirakawa Family is one of the upper class families that live mainly in the capital.Hakubi is the only child in Shirakawa, and grew up spoiled. Under Kinrei's orders, he tried to kill Rakan and the others but failed. He tried to go back to the capital, but he ended up flying to where the Guards of the Sanome Prince are instead and traveling with them. He believed that "comrades are people to brag about" at first, so Rakan asserted that he had a "bad personality". He was secretly carrying a stone named "Jamon" (蛇紋) which he found underground, but he also made stone beasts for the guards so that he can arrive the capital faster. He gradually opened his heart to Rakan and the others as he traveled with them. He has a weird misunderstanding about Rakan & Chigusa, and Kazuhi & Tohji. The Guards find his misunderstanding funny and enjoys leaving him alone to make his own conclusions.
"Zakuro" is a stone beast made from red stones. He is Hakubi's "friend". Because he attacked Rakan and the others, Chigusa and the others knocked him down and in the end, all the mixed stones were eaten by Kuro. JAMON (蛇紋)NO PICTURE YETName Etymology: 
Jamon (蛇紋) has the characters for "serpent/snake" and "family crest/figures".
It is the animal Hakubi made from the power of a stone he found when the Guards fell into the cracks in the ground. It was made by mixing with the Guards' blood with the stone, so that it would listen to their words. When it was given a name, the outcome of the names Miya thought of based on the opinion of the guards were kanjis that seemed like names of brothers in a biker gang. Names: Kiyoshi (騎世士), Satoshi (嵳飛使), Atsushi (堊闘司) and Tsuyoshi (告予詩).
The capital where the Prince is. (Amato Empire) 
 PRINCE (皇子)
Name Etymology: 
Prince (皇子) has the characters for "emperor" and "child".
Person with the highest authority. The "Ayame Prince" who has Ayame hands. His sense of self woke up after meeting Rakan. He calls Rakan "younger brother". [Spoiler (click to open)]However, in reality, he is not Rakan's sibling, but a puppet Hoshiminokoto created just like Chigusa. KINGEN KINREI (金弦金隷)
Name Etymology: 
Kingen (金弦) has the characters for "gold" and "bowstring/chord".
Kinrei (金隷) has the characters for "gold" and "slave/servant". Kinrei was previously spelled as "金令", which has the characters for "gold" and "command/order/decree".
His childhood name was Kinrei (金令). He was the only one that can hear the Prince's voice, so his name was changed to Kinrei (金隷), the one who serves the Prince. He has brown skin and blond hair. With his servants Kokuyou (黒曜). Rinpou (藍方), Tensei (天青), and others, he used the Prince as a tool to grant his own wish. However, when the Prince chose to die rather than to become his tool, Kinrei then saw the Prince as a living person rather than as a puppet that sprouted emotions that the latter didn't have until then. He made amends with the Prince and together, they fight against Rakan and the others (the rightful ones). He abandons the world that is coming to its end and aims to become superhuman. Chigusa remarks that even though Kinrei appears to be just a human right now, the latter's composition was strange when he was younger.  SANOME (沙芽)
Name Etymology: 
Sanome (沙芽) has the characters for "sand" and "bud/sprout".
A being that can grow plants at its will. The existing Sanome is nothing but "a Sanome was born from the Sanome tree that grew in Rakan's mother's grave" to Rakan. Only a Sanome female born from a Sanome tree can give birth to a "male Sanome". The Sanome sprouted is a plant, so its sense of self is not distinct and is weak by nature. Rakan was born from a Sanome female, so the description of body being plant or no sense of self doesn't apply to him. Sanomes were formerly called "Sanomes" (紗芽- literal translation: silk gauze sprout; *Note: The first kanji is different from the one currently used.) was also used for them. The existing Sanome was born from a plant of a small flower that grew in Rakan's mother's grave. He brought the flower home with him and transplanted it to his garden. Suddenly, a plant grew and bore a transparent fruit. A little girl who looks like Rakan's mother was sleeping inside it. It naturally grew because of the Sanome's power. Kinrei and the Ayame Prince snatched the fruit with the little girl inside away from Rakan's garden and left it in Shigeyuki to raise the Sanome. Her adult form looked exactly like Rakan's mother. Her Sanome power is not as strong as Rakan's. She has no sense of self, and is not expected to be able to speak, but when Kinrei stole her she called out Rakan's name.  SHIGEKA SHIGEYUKI (重華重雪)
Name Etymology: 
Shigeka (重華) has the characters for "heavy/pile up" and "flower/gorgeous/shine".
Shigeyuki (重雪) has the characters for "heavy/pile" and "snow".
The Shigeka family is the all-girls family that has existed since the world was created, together with "Kingen" and "Sengin". They are the only family who can produce Sanomes, so this family is valued in the capital. They freely choose men from outside their family as fathers, and their offspring as born as children of the Shigeka family.Shigeyuki is the head of the Shigeka family, and Narushige and Sae's mother. She wants to destroy the Shigeka family. She is acquainted with Kinrei.  YORUBASHI YORUAKI (夜橋夜明)
Name Etymology: 
Yorubashi (夜橋) has the characters for "night/evening" and "bridge".
Yoruaki (夜明) has the characters for "night/evening" and "light/bright".
The Yorubashi family is a family of doctors. [Spoiler (click to open)]Yoruaki is the twin brother of the Miya, one of the Sanome Prince's Guards. Their faces look exactly alike.He wishes to be of equal standing with Kinrei and sought to become superhuman by making a drug with the Prince's blood as his ingredient. That drug was supposed to give the drinker superhuman abilities, but Kagan Ritsuka warned him against drinking it.  KAGAN RITSUKA (可岸葎可)
Name Etymology: 
Kagan (可岸) has the characters for "can/passable/must not" and "beach".
Ritsuka (葎可) has the characters for "vines/trailing plants/creepers" and "can/passable/must not".
He is the last of the Kagan family. He loves Yoruaki like his own child. He carries an incurable illness, and stepped forward and personally asked Yoruaki to be the one to test the medicine he made. His body was mixed with stones and plants because of the medicine. [Spoiler (click to open)]He attacked Rakan and the Numbered Children upon Kinrei's command, but his body couldn't withstand it and ended up being on the brink of death. He is currently asleep thanks to the "Snow Flowers" Rakan grew.
Name Etymology: 
Utaeda (歌支) has the characters for "song/sing"and "branch/support".
Utaeda Karaku (歌支歌珞) was thrown away by her parents because of her peculiar ears, but Utaeda Souta (歌支沿歌) and Utaeda Kinue (歌支きぬえ) picked her up and raised her as their daughter. The humans around the neighborhood fear her because she can hear faraway voices and talk with immortal birds made from leaves and branches. When Rakan, the Sanome, appeared in her town, she tried to forcibly detain him using drugs and the immortal birds. Utaeda Yuuka (歌支優歌) is the daughter of Souta and Kinue. She is a girl who treats Karaku normally. Tsubaki (椿 camellia), Matsuba (松葉 pine tree), Hiiragi (柊 holly), Yamabuki (山吹 Japanese rose), Mizuki (水木 dogwood), Tachibana (橘 tangerine), Sanzaka (sp?) (山茶花 sasanqua) are the names of the immortal birds. One tsubaki called Aotsubaki was given to Rakan. It helps him and the others converse with Karaku through the tsubakis. Rakan grew the immortal birds a big tree they can rest on. The Utaeda (Literal translation: song branch) tree was brought back to life when the immortal birds rested and chirped as if singing on the branches of the big tree Rakan grew. SUZUMORI CLAN (鈴守一族)
Name Etymology: 
Suzumori (鈴守) has the characters for "small bell/buzzer" and "protect/obey".
They are the clan that manages the bell-ringing "Bell-Ringing Tree" (鈴なりの樹 Suzunari no ki) and the Sinner's Graveyard (罪人墓地 zainin hakachi). It was noted as "Suzunarimori Sinner's Graveyard" (鈴鳴守罪人墓地 Suzunarimori zainin hakachi).
Suzumori Rinrai (鈴守鈴蕾) is a girl from the Suzumori family. She passed away 200 years before Rakan and the rest visited. She was so worried about the Senroh (who visited and died there 200 years ago) that she kept clinging to the Bell Tree even after death and turned into a spirit. She mistook Chigusa as the Senroh who she has been worried about and attacked him. However, thanks to the Bell Ringing Tree that Rakan regrew, the corrupt air was purified and she turned back into a ghost.  HIRAHARA CLAN (平原一族)NO PICTURE YETName Etymology: 
Hirahara (平原) has the characters for "even/flat/peace" and"field/plain/meadow".
The family in the town where Rakan and the rest stayed before they were swallowed and carried away by the serpent of the Aobi Swamp. Tai-jii (real name: Taigen 汰原) and his sons, Suigen (翠原) and Genya (原陽) invited them to his house even though they were strangers to him. Taigen named his sons with the wish of seeing the green fields and the sun.
AE Code: Fűjima

They are serpents that vary in color and can swallow multiple people. They have a shared consciousness with Mitama, the serpent who lives near the Shigeka Family residence. When they die, their bodies harden, become transparent crystal and heaves water. Tsukishiro (月白- white moon) is the serpent who was imprisoned for a long time under the ground of the town where Hirahara clan. His death was nearing and he was outraged that he was going to die without knowing why he was born. However, his anger was appeased when Rakan pointed out to him that it was to heave water and turn into a river after it dies. Aobi (青火 blue fire) is the first serpent that Rakan met in the Aobi Swamp. Unohana (卯の花 - soybean pulp) is "Kokuyou" (黒曜 -black weekday) that served under Kinrei. Its body was being controlled, but was able to go back to normal thanks to Sae and Mitama. It was planning to work with Rakan and the others, but ended up dying because it was attacked by Yukinoha (雪の葉 - snow leaf), the serpent Kinrei and Kagan Ritsuka controlled.
 MITAMA (真珠)NO PICTURE YETName Etymology: 
Mitama (真珠) has the characters for "true/reality" and "pearl/gem/jewel". Put together, Mitama means "pearl".
Mitama is the serpent Narushige lived with underground when he was younger. She took a liking to Narushige, and his sister Sae as well when she came later on. She is the foundation of the consciousness of all the serpents, and can converse with serpents who are far away. She declared that she is on Rakan's side, and is against the Kingen and the Ayame Prince.
Other People 
Name Etymology: 
Sawa (沢) means "swamp".
Yoritsugu (頼継) means "trust/request" and "inherit/succeed/patch/graft".
He lived alone until he took in Rakan and his mother, who had lost her memories, after they fell into his garden. He is very rich. He investigated whether there was a search warrant for Rakan and his mother. He created an institution overseas and made a family register for them. HOSHIMINOKOTO (星示御言)
Name Etymology:
星 (ho)- star; spot; dot; mark
示 (shi)- show; indicate; point out; express; display
御 (mi)- honorable; manipulate; govern
言 (koto)- say
"A great person." Judging from his name, he seems to be a person of great power/authority. He has the same hair and skin color as the Kingen family. He appears in an illusion, like Kinrei and the Prince. He seems to be on Rakan and Chigusa's side.
[Spoiler (click to open)]Later on, we learn that he is responsible for all of Chigusa's suffering. He seems to be a God, or rather he fashions himself as one, manipulating people and puppets through strings and shining sand for his own purposes. He believes that he is in the right and cannot comprehend Rakan's accusations of why he is wrong.

The plants Rakan and the Sanome has grown up until now.

 GUN TREE (銃の木)NO PICTURE YETThe tree rifle Chigusa had thought to have no longer existed by those who know about gun trees. When it finishes growing, it turns into the shape of a rifle and can fire seeds. When it hits its target, vines grow and wind around the target regardless of its size and shrinks it into a small ball. The gun tree Tohji had was smaller that Chigusa's, and vines don't come out when it hits its target. INVISIBLE VINES (鑑蔓草 Kagamitsurukusa)NO PICTURE YETVine-like plant. Things it wounds around won't be seen from the outside, but Chigusa and the Sanomes can see them. It bears a small fruit which can erase one's presence when it is crushed and applied to the body. NET GUN TREE (網の銃の木)NO
YET It has the shape of a small gun. Sap comes out from the fruits it shoots, and binds the opponent by hardening into something like a net.

SOURCES: Silver Diamond Wiki (Jp) and for kanji meanings
REFERENCES: Scanlations by Tokyopop, Sweet Lunacy, Storm in Heaven, silvery_storm, etc.

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♢Any corrections, additions, suggestions? I never got around to reading SD again and check on what plants were mentioned in the previous volumes. If you remember any (and if possibly you could write a brief description as well), just comment on this entry with your addition and I'll put it in the list. ^^

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