Where Do Vampires Go?

Nov 02, 2023 06:43

In the lead up to Halloween, I've also been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel again. I'm nearing the end of season six of the former and season three of the latter. I always watch the two together if I do a rewatch as they seem two halves of a whole to me. Yesterday, I was surprised to see Honest Trailers had released a new video for Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I'm not fond of Honest Trailers. I find one out of fifty of their jokes funny, most of them are just regurgitations of popular opinions without any real punchline. This video is a good example, ending by calling Buffy "Quippy". Which is surely ironic coming from a quippy YouTube channel. They've also edited together a lot of shots of guys pinning girls to the ground on the show, which is a cheap shot and makes no substantial comment on the show's sexual morals. He also calls the Hellmouth a "literal plot hole" because it provides Buffy with monsters to fight. That's kind of like calling the Enterprise a plot hole because it allows the characters on Star Trek to travel in space.

Of course, Honest Trailers must feel compelled to be palatable to those who approve of Joss Whedon's cancellation. Of all cancellations, Whedon's may be the most thorough since much of his fanbase now are people who lead the charges in cancel culture. He is, to borrow a term from the Honest Trailers video, condemned for being "mean".

He did make one public appearance recently, at the wedding of J. August Richards, who played Gunn on Angel.

From left to right is Richards, Whedon, Heather Horton (Whedon's wife), and Richards' new husband. Several other Angel cast members were present as apparently the group have remained tight despite any meanness on Whedon's part.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is available on Disney+ in most countries. Angel is on Disney+ but in fewer countries.

X Sonnet #1785

The moon was orange, attempting rosy gold.
The second floor contains a wooden box.
With lunar dimes, the bank is growing old.
The stars are only holes in giant socks.
The only squid at home was eating men.
For trust abused was dice to waiting gods.
As Job attests beyond official sin.
The clutching claw depends on weighted odds.
For spider skulls, the clouds of web unlink.
With candied time, the fates'll snack 'til late.
Colliding bears with trains'll seldom blink.
A jagged story's writ on luckless pate.
Returning cheers were muffled blank in sport.
Condemning sneers were surely bank at court.

buffy the vampire slayer, joss whedon, cancel culture, tv show, television, honest trailers

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