The Loki Party Keeps Going

Oct 14, 2023 15:14

Loki season two, episode two: what a pleasant evening of television. Sure, it has its flaws but I was completely absorbed in the story. After a long day's work, I made dinner and sat in front of the computer and was transported to the world of the TVA and Loki and Mobius. There are many ways movies or TV shows can be great, and this is certainly one of them.

I really feel like the makers of the show this season looked at season one, saw what was working and what wasn't, and correctly adjusted the recipe for season two. Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson and their chemistry were the best parts of season one and now we're getting a whole lot of the two playing off each other. It was lame Loki couldn't be villainous or mischievous in season one, and here we got him being mischievous and kind of villainous.

He's actually using his powers, which were never firmly established in the films. I don't know how well delineated they are in the comics. But as a Norse god, he's got to have something. And here he's got that something and swagger, too.

Hiddleston is a delight to watch, especially when he was tormenting the captive Brad. Those expressive eyebrows of his are dynamite. And Owen Wilson continues to be the perfect foil or complement.

The best way I can tell the show's working is that its flaws absolutely don't matter to me. Sylvie instantly pulling info from Brad's brain when Loki had to go through interrogating him? The show doesn't need to handwave it, I'll do it for the show. I'm sure there's an explanation, mumble mumble, Dark Side. Whatever. I'm even liking Sylvie this season and how she just wants to hide from her destiny, working at McDonalds in the '80s. It kind of says something about nostalgia, doesn't it?

Loki is available on Disney+.

loki, marvel, tv show, television, mcu, disney

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