That Old Satellite

Jun 09, 2023 06:44

As a self-respecting cinephile, I don't divide my attention between movies and anything else. If I'm watching a movie, it's in a dark room, with headphones if I don't have a good sound system/environment. I certainly don't sew or text or play video games while a movie's on. The only exception I make to this rule is Mystery Science Theatre 3000. A show I started watching in junior high school, in the early 1990s, MST3k is a show about a man and two robots showing outright disrespect to bad movies. I don't usually sit down and give it a dedicated viewing anymore but I like to have it on as atmosphere when I'm cooking dinner. I've been doing that for years. Last year, I discovered something really marvellous. On YouTube, people have been uploading "Broadcast Versions" of the series. That is, people are uploading their old VHS recordings of episodes complete with commercials.

image Click to view

I haven't had a TV with channels since 2013, and even then, I hadn't watched regular television for years. Listening to these broadcast editions, I'm reminded of a time when they were a normal part of life. When stars could come out of commercials, like Rebecca Gayheart became a star after appearing in Noxzema commercials. They were such a normal part of the public consciousness.

There are so many '90s movies I've totally forgotten about that I see trailers for on these broadcast editions. A few days ago, I saw a trailer for a stupid comedy about a kid and a gorilla called Born to be Wild. I noticed Peter Boyle's name in the credits and I thought, "Wait, he's dead, isn't he?" before I remembered I was watching a commercial from 1995.

Maybe it's bad I'm indulging in such nostalgia. I guess it's pretty Japanese. People love nostalgia here. One of the most common words I hear people say is natsukashii, "How nostalgic!" It reinforces my feeling that I'm not exactly homesick but timesick. I don't want to go back to San Diego where gentrification is gutting parts of town I liked and other parts of town are getting boring, ultra-expensive restaurants. I guess you can never go back home again. But you can see it on YouTube.

mystery science theater 3000, movies, nostalgia, mst3k

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