Blossoming '23

Mar 28, 2023 13:02

The early spring continues. Some of the cherry trees have already started turning green and it's not even April yet. I'm glad it wasn't this warm when I first came to Japan in March 2020. I'd have had to wear my big overcoat in this heat since I didn't have an apartment to stash it in yet.

Here are some pictures from the river near my local grocery store.

Lots of people were about. I saw troops of elementary school students all in their matching yellow caps. They always remind me of ducklings.

The water will make you cry, kids, thereby begetting more water. It's a vicious cycle.

I'm still not sure what this sign is warning kids of. Blue river dolphins? With hands? The snake in the picture looks like an innocent bystander. The Japanese is just, "あぶない!", "Danger!"

Twitter Sonnet #1682

A spiral plan confused the worker day.
Beneath the street, the shoppers loudly moan.
It seems the store had sold a lump of clay.
Excessive cream can smash the waffle cone.
Reclusive metal snakes could solve the debt.
To climb spaghetti, cheese required legs.
A special mound of dough could fly a jet.
But growing eyes could harbour secret eggs.
Proportioned hats involved the heads of state.
So clamour back, the bleachers chill the soul.
For Fighting Man adorned with helm his pate.
Yet some there are would say it's but a bowl.
The early pink was deemed an honest heart.
About the lovers, blushing heavens part.

cherry blossom, japan, spring

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