The Stone Tomb

Jun 14, 2021 06:18

Yesterday my friend Shuichi and I visited Ishibutai Kofun, a nearly 1400 year old tomb.

It was the tomb of Soga no Umako who was his period's rough equivalent of Prime Minister. He died in 626.

The stones forming the ceiling weigh around 77 tonnes.

The sarcophagus was destroyed and looted long ago.

Outside the tomb is a reproduction of the sarcophagus.

Twitter Sonnet #1452

The long and turgid tuna dipped to depth.
The tips of waves were painted white and grey.
To speak of whitings nicks the plate to death.
Incautious cuts could carve the brittle clay.
A duck of ham is pink but beaked and squat.
A porpoise posed would ink a squeaky bomb.
And that's the rap that sussed the sprinkler bot.
A billion boots of juice'd stomp the calm.
To splashing heaven noodles dived with cakes.
The dish of fish put crinkled eyes aflame.
On painted hugging apes the goblet bakes.
Your toe reboots a crack'ling tricky game.
Balance pits a peach beside its gut.
Sleepy gods attain the plushy rut.

japan, asuka, ishibutai kofun, tomb

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