[She spots him, hands coming to his sides. Touching him will make this real. It will make this all real.]
I want to go back. I'm not supposed to be here. You aren't. We don't belo- [Her slow break is paused with mention of Alexis' name. She is who matters. If she's the only one who gets through this...No, Castle and Beckett will as well.]
Alexis...Could she be down here? [She begins to yell, failing to hold it together.] Alexis! Alexis! [To Castle, her resolve tumbling down.] Why is this happening?
Alexis. [A beat.] And Beckett. We have to make sure she's alright. We have to -- [This isn't working, this breakdown. So, she decides to act the part. Letting go of Castle, she hardens, her mouth crisping.] Let's find Alexis.
Mom...where are you? I'm looking for Alexis and I can't find her.
You can't find Alexis?
Are you here?
I'm here but no, I can't find Alexis. I was taken from the street, heading home from the station.
I want to go back. I'm not supposed to be here. You aren't. We don't belo- [Her slow break is paused with mention of Alexis' name. She is who matters. If she's the only one who gets through this...No, Castle and Beckett will as well.]
Alexis...Could she be down here? [She begins to yell, failing to hold it together.] Alexis! Alexis! [To Castle, her resolve tumbling down.] Why is this happening?
We'll find her. I promise, we'll find her. I don't know why this is happening or why we're here but we'll figure it out.
We'll find them both. Although knowing Beckett, she'll find us first.
Dante's...if I'm not mistaken. Limbo. Good call, mother.
I do read you know.
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