Making a point to post things to LJ

Jan 25, 2011 01:03

Especially fannish things.

So, I just managed to pay enough attention to realize that:

1) It's Sho's birthday and therefore Aquarius season and therefore nearly baranoneko's birthday as well as my fathers and Benkei's.

2) TeniPuri Festa 2011 just completed! (there are fun pics available on shinkata_san) They had some great cast this year, including all Seigaju (duh), all of Rikkai (Nao-kun!), all most of the important bits of Hyoutei, and all the important bits of Higa. Plus random Kishio Daisuke and Tosshi! A DVD I will certainly be wishing I could afford to import. Ugh but I hate the exchange rate right now.

3) My fandom shifts have been a bit ridiculous since I started my podfic addiction. Probably because my two most hardcore fandoms before the podfic addiction have one and zero recorded stories respectively. Boo. On the other hand, I have fallen in /love/ with certain of Katie Forsythe's work and with that particular fandom in both new and old incarnations.

4) I am now TWO FULL ALBUMS behind on my Sakamoto Maaya collection. I may be trying to rectify this in the near future. I'm so excited that she hit number one on the Oricon weekly sales, I'll feel remiss if I don't attempt to contribute to a good second week showing.

Hello 2011, here's hoping you bring me more focus and attention for the things I love. (Also, a bit more money would be nice.)

sakurai sho is not always made of fail, podfic, seiyuu, prince of tennis, fandom

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