Because apart from a lovely meeting with MTL!Nikki today, I've done no random slacking... and I haven't done an updated version of this meme
since 2008.
Instructions: Open up your iTunes and fill out this survey, no matter how embarrassing the responses might be. (Anything that Maya modified for Japanese you can feel free to ignore, and also the 'Rainbow' question.)
How many songs total: 5812
How many hours or days of music: 22.3 days
Most recently played: Song - butterfly by Takahashi Naozumi, Fic - The Ambassador's Wife by Waldorph
Most played: Oh Yeah! - 嵐 (191 plays) [the top three most played are all off the Time album]
Most recently added: CD rips of HP7. >.>
Sort by song title:
First Song: ~Epilogue~ (off Kazuki's "in LOVE") [If you don't count the ones with symbols then "A・RA・SHI" is the first.]
Last Song: 7-Gatsu no Ame (off Eiji's Hello! album) [If you skip all the numbers, then "黒き氷塊の楼閣" - The song by the Toriumi Kousuke character in Izayoiki... Yasuhira?]
Sort by time:
Shortest Song: Hihara message from the Final Corda Classic Collection (:04), shortest actual song is Ohno's little song from his AU promo commercials (0:11)
Longest Song: Song - The whole PARAPARA MAX 3 album (46:03) , Fic - Stealing Harry by CopperBadge (9:29:37 - yes I have listened to it all at once.) [There are a TON of voice messages, hidden tracks, radio shows, and drama CDs in between those two.]
Sort by album:
First album: "~Hearful Best Songs~" by Home Made Kazoku or "Absolute King Rikkai feat Rokkaku ~First Service~" (if you skip symbols and video)
Last album: "30minutes night flight" - Sakamoto Maaya or "Golden Pair to Hayakuchi Kotoba" (in kanji)
First song that comes up on Shuffle: Waterfall Story and Music - Samite
Search the following and state how many songs come up:
Death - 240 (Mostly 'Deathly Hallows' tracks) (死-3)
Life - 65 (生-48)
Love - 250 (愛-47 恋-21)
Hate - 0 (嫌-1)
You - 415 (君-111)
Sex - 20
Rainbow - 10 (虹-18)