A day

May 05, 2009 03:06

Wow, Monday.
Was supposed to get up at 7 today to get to the gym in time for workout and breakfast before I went to work at 9 and Jess went to her Dr. appointment at 9:45.
That... didn't happen.
I woke up at 9:08. Panicked. Called work - found out that Truck was today and shifted my shift later. All in all, the work-bits were ok. I was not late (much) and had time to make breakfast (which I didn't eat until 2 pm anyway).

Work proceeded to be very long. I did get the truck unloaded in a timely manner and I did finish the Arranging Supplies POG, but the latter took /so/ long that we were closed by the time I left. The good news is that it sounds like we're going to be ok for payroll this week. The bad news is that coverage is crap because we only scheduled about 20 hours over. >.> Corporate logic FTL.

Once home, I made sammiches for myself for dinner and watched Jess make deviled eggs (they were massively tasty). In the midst of that, calhale called me and demanded that I go out to alleviate her boredom. So we met up at Alley Cat for some random fangirling. (They had Paris, I brewed my pot way too dark and drank it all... which is probably why I'm not tired. We watched bits of Yasuka and Kimeru and Kazuki and then bits of Taipei (my Time DVD is borked) as well as some other video that I had lying around. Now there are quite a few things on my list to download subtitled so that I can share them. Odoroki Specials for one. Yamada Tarou, Ryuusei no Kizuna and Maoh for another three. We really wanted to see more of Leader eating, but sadly all the AnS episodes that I had were made of FAIL in terms of feeding Leader.
Note to self to get the Shibata Rie episode and also some things in the 'Maximum Umai' era. I know there were some good episodes in that time frame.
Really, I think Odoroki 3 was the highlight of the night. It made me want more of their specials. Even if it's just the same stuff all over and over again. I'm also supposed to be burning her a CD or two... so I'll have to start plotting what to get her hooked on. ^_^

We also hit the IHOP for a small snack before I dropped her back at her dorm, so now it is very very late. Or early. Both. And I work at 10, but am getting up earlier to go work out and hopefully encourage myself to crash a little earlier tomorrow.

friends, ドラマ, everyday, work, arashi no shukudai-kun, arashi, fangirling

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