Just some random fluff for today.
Work... >.> I don't even know where to start. At least the boss seems to think that she'll be able to keep working through this knee thing. 'Working' meaning keeping up on her office paperwork at this point... but as long as she's around I feel better.
Truck was today and freezing cold. We don't have nearly enough merchandise in the store. I think I may need to make a trip to Greely tomorrow to steal some fabric. It's getting scary out there.
I found an awesome Amazon Podcast with Tim Gunn and JMS:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/m19MZCLXEUAXDW (it also made me miss the country music that I used to hear at work all the time... which was a little odd.
There is not enough time until Christmas and I'm a little scared. People may get late presents from me. Again. >.>