(no subject)

Oct 10, 2008 14:59

I think I've worked about 45 hours so far this week... and I still have my saturday shift left to go. Ah... the holiday season in retail. At least I got to sleep in yesterday and today. ^_^

Spending a lot of time playing Pokemon lately.

In other news, I saw VS嵐 25... and I am... amused? I don't know... but Sho being 'grounded' for a month? I have to be amused.

The Haneru no Tobira Special was a little sad to watch. Poor Leader. Poor Aiba.

Watching the two together was kind of a downer really. I have this little niggling of doubt now though. Like if Sho can be that excluded, and Leader can be, and Aiba's already sometimes odd man out... then that leaves Nino and Jun holding this together. And they don't always get along when it's not a matter of showing the best face of the band for the cameras...

Also, I epic fail at housework and productivity. ;_;

sleep, work, pokemon, arashi, vs arashi

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