Everytime I think I'll go a week without show-related squeeling...

Jul 11, 2008 00:22

For some reason, it's Himitsu that I can't go an episode without commenting on.

This time I'm flailing over Nino's lack of flail. He's so... flat.
But then, when you've been the straight man to that group of clowns for a decade, it's not surprising that you don't get easily worked up.
I actually enjoyed the fashion show though. I can't believe all the effort and money they must be putting into this show for those little segments.
Also, watching Nino actually get a little excited about cleavage confused me. Aiba, I expect that from... I begin to wonder what else Nino is even doing with his time that isn't magic, games and shows. Sleep sometimes maybe.

Yes Aiba, you /are/ the weakest child-minding link. Good-bye.

Note to self. According to the HnA subtitle colors, Nino should be orange. I'll have to remember to change his Mii color.

More babies.
And Nino is involved. And Jun.
*dead* Thank you Japan. Thank you.
Jun looks to tiny and squirmy and awkward in the rain. Like... have you grown up at all since you were 15?

Classic Exchange:
Jun: *lounging on couch* Damn, suddenly I want a kid.
Nino: *playing with kid at the table* Well, should we take this one home?

At least Nino knows how to hold a kid. I guess when the Ohmiya combi does this we know who'll be the useful one. And then you put Jun in the kitchen and he suddenly grows up. And makes food which is actually tasty. These two were less OMG adorable than Sho and Leader, partially by nature. A Virgo and a Gemini after all.
And I felt less fuan about these two. They present themselves as a little more competent in the real world and all.

Now to become a married Japanese celebrity so that Arashi will come and take care of my kid. :P

Damnit... I want baby snuggles again. I'll have to try to call and see if I can pick up Mira and Aaron for a while tomorrow. Between whenever Karen wakes me up and when Nikki's ready for shiny stuff.

In other news, I played way too much MarioKart today. I still love my Wii. That is all.

[Edit: Also, Maoh Ep. 1. 4:20-4:35. It's only fifteen seconds, but the rhythm and the imagery... so very lovely. The whole scene that follows in the dark room is good too of course but the more I watch that scene (quite a few times now) the more I like how simple and symbolic it was. How much it tells you about Naruse's character. Yes, I'm philosophizing over the shower scene. Let it go.]

maoh, reviews, arashi, himitsu no arashi-chan

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