baranoneko just linked me to
An Open Letter to the Industry.
This is more proof that I should not be allowed on the internet when I have days off.
I have some very good things to say about this. I agree.
I agree with almost everything that was said.
I also think that if they were to actually put something like this in place, they might actually get /back/ fans that they're losing.
Like me.
See, I don't really buy US release DVDs or CDs anymore. Movies very occationally. Anime? Only in a very very few cases. And /then/ most of the time I'm extremely dissapointed in the quality. Yes, VIZ, I'm looking at you.
/If/ on the other hand, there was a way to get legal episodes near-direct from Japan? Hells yes I'd be in. I pay for megaupload to get my Japanese dramas, why wouldn't I pay for a streaming anime service? I might even actually /watch/ shows that are coming out rather than just hearing about them.
I'm too hungry and not eloquent enough to keep going right now. Back to my poorly-subbed ancient PoT.