
Dec 25, 2005 11:32

Merry Cristmas to all! (Or otherwise Good Morning on a joyous nondenominational day off ^^)

Today has so far been a lot more fun than I expected. I didn't get mom's present done yet. And I've still got stuff to wrap and send late to the California group and Robert. I was too afraid last night to actually cut the slinky stuff for mom's jacket (plus it took forever to find my bobbin case XD). I did get some minor cleaning done in the sewing room and got Arella's stuff finished up. Also listened to a reading of "A Christmas Carol" on KUNC and then to music, which made me feel infinitely better. I had a nice time plotting some quilt blocks for pillows once my brain died, and had a nice chat with Nate as well (hope some sleep cheered you up babe, smile~!).

Got up this morning feeling well and headed over to Kimball for Christmas breakfast. There was french toast and bacon, and talk of random politics. After breakfast we opened presents! I got a new scarf (mmm, softy homespun yarn~<3), two shirts (one really nice one for work!), a new coat (to replace my ghetto trench ^__^), and the most fabulous pair of leather gloves. Plus, there were socks in my stocking! Along with delicious chocolates and a mini-snow globe with Aslan in it~!

In cleaning my car the other day, I found the card that I had for my mother ages ago, and it's still perfect, so at least I have something to give her for today. I was also glad because I finished and wrapped Arella's presents last night, and she loved them. She was thrilled with the scrapbooking stuff, and I'm quite pleased with how the scarf came out. ^_^

Arella's out at a meeting now, but still wants to do stuff when she comes back, so I'm hanging out for a bit while mom chills with Greg, I guess the other stuff 'Rel and mom have to do isn't until later tonight, so I'm happy.

So this is a warm thank you and holiday greeting to everyone on my flist, for always being there. I love you guys, I hope the next year will be every bit as good or better for all of us than the last. *hugs*
(Oh yeah, and lots of you will be getting presents over the next few days, since I'm unprepared and won't see you guys today.)

Today's Songs
-「それが、愛でしょ」-下川みくに [DL Link]
-「風の旅人~K&S Version ~」-置鮎龍太郎・甲斐田ゆき(手塚国光・不二周助)
-「ヒカリアレ」-坂本真綾 [DL Link]

(for Kat, since I finally have it available)
「枯れない花」by 下川みくに(from Full Metal Panic)[DL Link]

holiday, everyday, family, music

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