Oct 24, 2005 10:16
What a night. Whew.
I did sleep some last night, it was just about an hour curled up on my bench at the Alley Cat. I've had the downstairs to myself for like... many many hours now.
Paper for China done. Answering the reading q's and working on the paper for Pac Wars is the next priority (just realized that I really can't ask him to look at it, because it's due in three days. But if I finish it, I may try anyway.
I have punkin bread. And Even-san (aka 'Mysterious' Trevor) works at Alley Cat, very late at night. Mmhmm.
And Austin McGee is really sweet and I've kinda missed seeing him around. He's kindof a Zjahai-type person... or maybe Kelley from Omega. Yeah, that type.
Anywho, now on to China Hands. Must go to Path by 1 pm.
Boys of the Moment: Nagayan and KENN (NaB's = love)
Other Songs of the Night: "Hi-Touch", "Nagori Yuki", "Reagan" (and "MILK", just 'cus it made me giggle)