Drawing to a Close

May 17, 2004 13:05

My soundtrack this morning was the Sunflower Collection, especially "H2O" (Ernst) and "Gold Rush~21st Century" (Olivie).

So this morning I was /very/ tired, but I'm getting better. The kanji section of the R&W final kicked me in the face, but the second section wasn't nearly as bad.
Thanks to Tammy being a wonderful, generous person, I have a working CD player for a little while and got to listen to Kimeru's "the beginning" album as well as a couple of Drama CDs.
I listened to "好きなものが好きだからしょがない" (SukiSho) Volume 1 yesterday afternoon while cleaning the room. It was /extremely/ fluffy and very good... though again, I wouldn't mind manga to go with it. ^_^ Hoshi-san is adorable in the lead, and the rest of the cast is amazingly fabulous. (Though why Ishida Akira's character has a girls name, I'm not quite sure...) Midorikawa-san's voice has really softened since Heero and Tamahome, though what he uses here isn't nearly as deep and smooth as his Saint Beast voice. ^_^
I then listened to most of "Love Mode" Volume 1 last night while falling asleep. It was cute. Madono Mitsuaki as the lead was... odd. But he was really good, and cute. The plot was a little confusing, but I got the general gist of it. It was funny, mostly, and that made me happy. It was nice to fall asleep to. I have a feeling I'll be listenig to a lot of Drama CDs in the evenings once I get home.
Possibly more on those later. Right now I have a paper to write for Hester, and oddly I have little regret about how I've spent the past few days. I can't even make myself worry about money, or rather, don't want to. ^_^
Off I go to rant about boundaries and such... ah, Japanese culture.

[Lyrics/Kanji] for Current Music. Shimokawa Mikuni just rocks all over the place. I've yet to hear a song of hers that I don't like. ^_^

Current Bishounen: Ernst (not least because of "H2O" and how awesome Morikawa-san was singing it live. ^_^)

music, reviews, drama cds, school, fangirling

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