
Apr 10, 2004 20:59

Today was long... still will be probably. Woke up at 9 for 'Kyou kara Ma-oh'... which gets more subtexty by the episode, and still looks really cool.
Then I showered really fast and took off with Tim to the BookOff on Route 1. Bought another 100 yen worth of 10-yen singles, and started a member card. (Now that I've already spent like $50+ at various BookOffs... I felt really dumb)
Then I cought a bus down to Hirakata-shi, and an Express to Tanbabashi to meet up with the Religion class for our field trip to the Tenrikyo headquarters. I was early, but hung out with James for a bit, so that was cool. We randomly ran into Andy and Alice, who had not been planning to go on the field trip, but ended up coming anyway.
Tenrikyo was awesome. I really like thier ideas, and the way they present themselves. It's nice to find a religion that I think I could really truly follow without reservation
More recently, I had curry for dinner and I have CD dramas. I like this renting them for 300 yen and ripping them to mp3. It makes me happy.

Kizuna II is a two disc set. Disc 1 follows the manga from near the beginning of Volume 4 and through most of volume 5. For anyone that knows what happens in those volumes... well, I left the kitchen because I was nearly crying when the CD went through the end of 4. I was reading along up till then, but since my copy of volume 5 is in the states, I'm on audio-only now.
Disc 2 picks up the end of volume 5 (finishing out the continuing story that ran over into volume 6), and after a song goes into a Gaiden story about JB and Tashiro's first meeting.
I still don't have a copy of volume 6, so I'm glad I got to hear the end of the story. It's been years since I first read that cliff hanger. After the ending, it goes into a cool song (in engrish!)... not sung by any of the voice actors.
I think I'll have to be sure find copies of 6 and 8 before I rent the third Drama set... If they go through 2-3 volumes per set, I don't know what's on the 4th set.
The gaiden story is wonderful, possibly my favorite part of the set. Then again, I really really really like Tashiro. And he won't come back until the 4th set. ;_;

Unknown Voice Actor Notes:
Enjouji KeiIchijou Kazuya (一条 和矢)some stuff... nothing useful
Sagano KaiHorikawa Ryou (堀川 亮)Vegeta (DBZ), Trigun (E.G.Mine)
Roy Castin TashiroMorikubo Shotaro (森久保 祥太郎)Ginji (GB), Robert (Guu), Celes (Apocripha/0 drama), Fuyuki/Raphael (Tennimon)
JB (Jack)Tachiki Fumihiko (立木 文彦)Gendo (Eva), Victor (Angelique)

More personal notes:
I /love/ these characters. And the voices are great. Okiayu Ryoutaro's Ranmaru is the perfect balance of strength and beauty... and he sounds damn sexy when he goes all strong or seductive. Enjouji and Kai are awesome, and if I'm not careful, listening to them will make me /like/ kansai-ben. Kai was a little less angry that I would have expected, but still cool (his angst-filled 'Masa...'-ing was rather good. ^_^)
Tashiro kicked ass all over the place, but then I knew that from the first time I saw him in the manga. He has what most of the other characters don't: freedom to be himself. He's at peace with the world. I love his interactions with Kai too, because they're just so cute. Morikubo Shotaro got his character just right.
I didn't know that voices could be quite as subtext-laden as they manage to be in some of these scenes.
*giggle* I love Tashiro... I love him so much. I might even love him more than Ran-chan... which is saying something.
And despite the extremely disturbing fact that there was rape... *icky* The story is awesome.
Tashiro/Roy's voice just begs to be an uke... and he's damn hot at it. I won't go into the implications for Ginji here, I actually am not overly fond of yaoi for GB... well, wasn't.
Ooh! Smut! *giggles* *goes to hide it from others in the lab before realizing that it's only on the headphones. ^_^
And though I hate to admit it, Jack's voice is sexy when he goes all seductive... very seme. And his english isn't half bad. (Yeah, I realize that means I should like Victor... I'm not thinking about it.)

Ok, ok... now it's 10:45 and I've listened to parts of Disc 2 like three times. I'm going to go do something else. ^_^

Current Bishounen: Ranmaru and Tashiro (mostly Tashiro)

fangirling (yaoi), reviews, seiyuu, drama cds

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