Manic depression and electronics...

Jan 08, 2003 01:55

BAD combination. And I'm not even really manic depressive... I just have normal (or I assume so) issues wuth winter and sleep deprivation. Or too much sleep. Whatever. I was going to post a really insane whiny rant earlier tonight (yesterday evening) but I didn't. For several reasons.
Looking forward to seeing people on friday.
I might swing by poudre tommorow.
OH! I remember what made me happy!
If you have a gaurdians likeing you number over 180 in Angelique... there's a voice clip when you go visit them! Wai! I have Lumiale, Olivie and Julious there right now! Julious is SO Hayami Sho. I mearly died. Muraki's voice and Julious... *shiver* And Koyasu Takehito is funny as Olivie... not quite as genki as I'd hoped but still much coolness. It seems that I'll never get to hear Seki Toshihiko as Luva because Rosalia has more or less claimed him. :(
On another Angelique note... the quiz in Fushigi no Kuni no Angelique is DEATH. You need 8 out of 10 questions right. There are three answers to each question. The topics include such things as guardian birthdays, voice actors, other shows starring said voice actors, events, other angelique games, correct romanization of guardian names (this is easy), correct katakana for names, and more. In Japanese. And you have 10 seconds to answer each question. Once, I got 7/10... I was so upset... especially since the one I missed in the begining was because I took to long to push the button on Olivie's Birthday... (which I know!!).
The upside of Fushigi no Kuni? If you win, you get to go to a tea party with the gaurdians! (X people... you know why I'm amused... ^_^) and sometimes a date after that...
So new topic... wait, bishonen was sorta the topic already.
Music: "Hemisphere ~ Without Maaya ~" (ironic title?)
and "Generations" (Children of Eden)
"23 Toki no Ongaku" is a really spiffy album, fun Yoko Kanno stuff.
I got a new PDA (for my mom)... then pulled mine out to check that it had the same cradle port... found out that my PDA's screen was cracked and no longer worked. Muttered profanities for a very long time... (still going more than 24 hours later)... then fought with electronics (the comp, my pda, the new pda, the net, etc.) Found out that a new screen was both $99 plus shipping and was NOT covered in the (worthless) plan that I bought from Office Max. I whined alot. I don't really have the money to buy a new pda, but the $50 I spent is a lot cheaper than a new screen... *twitch* So mom still has no PDA, I have a dead one and a working one that is slightly older. And I'm a lot of needing that chack from the bank in CA...
Sigh. Ok, no more "pity me please" ranting...
You know... I think winamp is sentient...
Playing "Tommorow" and "Hemisphere" is cheating to make me happy...
Plus it has an uncanny character to skin pairing ability...
For example:
Juri - "Both Hands" (Ani DeFranco) - Juri/Shiori (good AMV idea...)
Nataku - "Only Happy When it Rains" (Garbage) -

Right after this Short rant on a quiz that I took...
The X Pairing Quiz
My results:
1- Fuuma/Subaru
o_O !? Um... maybe in your head... or that odd exchange in volume 17... but that had something to do with Seishirou's eye...

Which X Pairing Are You?
Subaru/Seishirou -- you're a firm believer in destined, yet twisted, love. You like the tragic romance that marks their relationship and the lack of true closure that comes with it. Both Subaru's innocence and Seishirou's lack of it intrigues you.
We're /all/ suprised by this one... ^_^
3- Kamui/Fumma
*blink* Am I THAT messed up?
4- Seishirou/Fuuma
???? Can I not think about that?
5- Subaru/Kamui
We all know what I think of that.
Various pairings involving Kakyou, Saiki and the above... I tried not to think
(in no particular order) Kusanagi/Yuzuriha, Arashi/Sorata, and Kotori/Kamui
And I /tried/ to be honest! *shiver* Scared now. Goodnight.

Bishonen: Muraki (YnM) and Julious (Angelique) (Hayami Sho)
Bishojo: Hokuto (TB) and Juno Wintersmith (EsE)

reviews, angelique, downswing, meme

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