List from Ken who got it from Drea XD

Sep 04, 2008 00:12

Why are you single?

What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
2 hour premier of Bones

Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
black beater with pink stars

What's currently bothering you?
All the bad stuff that's happened in the past few months

Are you completely done with your ex?
I"d like to think so

What do you currently hear?
the hum of my computer

When was the last time you had your hair cut?
about a month ago almost

When were you last outside?
walking back from Alexa's

Are you wearing shorts?
hell no

Does the thought of marriage scare you?
naw. I look forward to it

Who was the last person in your bedroom?
other than me? Erin I think.

What are you doing today?
class, study Kanji, and Japanese Culture Society meeting

Does your head hurt?

Look to your left, what is there?
2 pics of Ikuta Toma, my cork board, and a lamp.

What time did you go to sleep last night?
ummm I think 1am ish

When is your Birthday?
May 20th

Do you like anyone?
I like a lot of people ^_^

The way to win your heart?
hmm I'm a sucker for food and corney-ness XD

Has anyone ever broken your heart?

What are you going to do this weekend?
work possibly and homework...

Were you happy when you woke up today?
no... I had to go to class XD

Do you hate the last person you talked to last night?

What would you do with 5 million dollars?
not worry about how I'm going to afford school anymore

Have you ever crawled through a window?
sure have

What do you spend most of your money on?
things from Japan... currently Magazine clippings

How's your heart lately?

Would you ever donate blood?
I want to... but needles *shudder*

What were you like a year ago?
excited to finally have all my friends up at UP

Is there anything annoying you right now?
the fact that I don't have to attention span to finish reading and I'm doing this instead.

How old is the first person on your top?
my top? Like my Top friends? or Top people? hmmm Top friends, she's 21

Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
maybe if I had Toma's number XD

Do you have reason to smile right now?
yeah cause I just thought about calling Toma and how awkward it would be ^_^

Do you like things in life to stay how they are or change?
stay the same... I don't do well with change... especially when it involves people moving away.

Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?

Could you forgive a boyfriend/girlfriend or friend who physically hurt you?
not if it was intentional

Are you afraid of death?

Are you looking forward to anything?
Going to Japan and getting to see Rei-chan

Do you open up to people easily?
depends, but for the most part yeah.

Has anyone upset you in the last week?
yes... but they just happened to be the barer of bad news

Do you think you would be a good parent?
I'd like to think so...

What's your favorite drink?
Iced Vanilla Chai Tea.... or water.

What does the last text in your inbox say?
idk!! That sux...Cherrio mate! God he's to funny. - Mlin

Did your mom go to college?

When is the last time you ate tacos?
too long ago

Have you ever bought/sold anything on Ebay?
only buy... and it was like last week. I finally got HanaKimi

Do you know the Souldja Boy dance?
there is a dance? o_O

What is your favorite number?
eh 2, 4, and 7 are my favs.

Ever rode a Horse?
yeah when I was like 8

Favorite sport to watch in the Olympics?
gymnastics and volleyball

What is one of your morals?
Try to give people the benefit of the doubt and get to know them before forming an opinion.... or something like that XD

Do you still talk to any of your ex's?

Is it ever to late to apologize?
no... but it may be to late to be forgiven.

Is life really complicated?
most of the time

Do you believe in happily ever after?

Ever flushed a fishy?
I didn't... my mom had to.

How many movies do you own?
ummm a few. 20-30?

Do you still have a VCR?

Do all the colors of your furniture NEED to match?
not match per se... but coordinate. Complimentary colors and whatnot work.

Do you recycle?
*nod nod*

How far are you willing to drive to work everyday?
I don't have a license.

How often do you clean your floors?
*snicker* clean XD that's funny.

Do you make your bed everyday?

Do you check the mail everyday?
not really... we never get anything

Do you ever get homesick?
not really

Do you have plans to get a better job or go back to school?
I hope I'll get a better job after graduating... staying at S&S would kinda suck.

How well do you take criticism?
not well

If You Had:

...a magic wand what would you do with it?
wave it around and hope nothing important explodes go to jail for a year what would be the charge?
I dunno

...a chance to change one thing about your mate, what would it be?
to have one

...your life to do over would you and why?
nothing. If I changed it... I wouldn't be me anymore. pick tv, music or computer for the rest of your life, what one and why?
compy...cause it's got all my music/videos on it.

...1 month to live what would be the 1st thing you did?

What Would You Do:

...if you found out your significant other cheated on you?
be pissed

...if you found out you were pregnant from a one night stand?
be pissed, upset, and then go to whoever it was... and.. I dunno...

...your boss told you, you just got promoted and your first job was to fire your best friend?
lol Mlin would probably be my boss XD. But I'd want to know why.

...if someone tried to blackmail you?
I'd lol at them.

...if your best friends husband hit on you?
o_O<---- that would be my face before I would tell him to knock it off

well that was fun... time to finish reading Richard the III.

quiz, fun

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