Top 100 Comic Book Villains

May 30, 2009 06:19

I don't even remember how I found this a couple hours ago, but I did. IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time. The whole list is pretty awesome. I learned some stuff I didn't know about characters I'd never heard of, I got to nod knowingly to the ones I had, and my personal favorite comic book character ended up on number one, with a few of my other favorites at 3, 4, 11, and 21. It turns out I pick pretty cool characters. :P Ad I was pleased to see that they didn't just do classic DC and Marvel ones (although the top-ranking twenty or so all are). I was prepared for a general runthrough of Superman villains I didn't care about, but no... Honestly, Shredder is in there. From Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I was going to rant about the number one spot, but I'm sleepy so I don't think I will. But yeah. Teh roxxorz. (<- those aren't words.)


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