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familytables May 21 2011, 06:32:45 UTC
No Problem. I'm always looking for people who really want to have online friends, and not just you know "friends."

Oh? Any thing that you saw that make you want to come or just the thought of it being Alaska? I used to want to go to Vancouver, but now a days it's just dosen't seem like a great place anymore. I wonder why?

Taguchi deffantly has been underappreciated, but it's nice people are starting to like him, but at the same time I feel like picking up a stick on fire and waving it around while yelling "Back beast! I foudn him first!" LOL Anyway, I just love him because he's deep, caring, and kind of dark.

The problem with the young guys is the groups are kind of split. It's like You have those who were around forever and kind of have the old school Johnny's feel to them, Kis-Mi-Ft, ABCZ, A few guys in HSJ. Then the newer guys who got used to being babyed by News, KAT-TUN, and Kanjani8 (Though that's only have true for them)mostly HSJ guys. And then the new new guys who are just so forgetable. I mean Shintarō Morimoto is the only Jr I can really name. Not counting Juri of course. I think it be nice if those Sempais suported the young ones. (Gives News a dirty looks. Like you guys are SO busy.*L*)


setokoji May 21 2011, 23:42:23 UTC
I watched a television show called the "The Amazing Race" if you ever heard of it and it has gotten me high ever since lol. Vancouver is now filled with up Asian domination (and I don't mean just the Chinese). Not that I am complaining, I love Chinese food. But China town's expending and the actual Canadian culture is practically non-existent. High tax, condo, apartment, immigration, Vancouver's as much of a mess as Toronto.

Taguchi has a really lovable personality and it's adorable seeing him try different styles. I definitely agree that he has been under-appreciated, he's like the hyphen of KAT-TUN on a personal level. And his height makes him look like a super-model X3


setokoji May 21 2011, 23:49:29 UTC
Sorry my comment was so long I had to cut it in half >.>

True that, I only know like three Jr: Morimoto, Chinen (though he's not a junior) and this other guy who's name I know in Kanji. HSJ is just so big and split, I don't even have the patience to finish their page. I know that Kiss-my-ft2 got more popular with KAT-TUN concerts and the fact that they were always being mentioned during KAT-TUN performances. I remember them on Music Station for KATTUN's song FALL DOWN and they noted especially that Kiss-my-ft2 was going to participate with them during all performances and concerts. That was actually very nice of them.

LOL News sarcasm noted~!I know Kanjani8 does a lot of things with the Kansai juniors and Arashi(?) If you did see one episode of HEYX3, NEWS mentioned about not having a single dinner or party together because other members would just decline. *sigh* Though they're full of member ai, they need to do more promotion with the jrs.


familytables May 22 2011, 01:02:10 UTC
Up heard and loved that show when it first, after season 4 I quit watching though.

OH I know how it is. OMG I know! I mean we still have Alaskan culture, because the Natvies are protected and all that crap, but yeah. Pacific Islanders/samoans are hell. Now we're finally getting a wave of black from the south, so even more problems. All most care about is the "free money" the don't understand jack. It'snot free and they need to take there trashy selves back to the south. It's not a race thing, it's being a respectable human being. Asian are bitching about how school is, and how they're kids can't celebrate asian hollidays, since their brats skips the 15days they get per semester for sick days/vacation and they're flunking....And people think the Mexican's wanting to speak spanish is bad.AGH! Ok I'm stopping, but I SO get it! What once was is gone. Oh and I also heard the Pothead moment is also very childish and the trash of those groups also are making things pretty bad.

Oh I remember Casey Anothey, because he's got a Englsih name. LOL. HSJ I know the few and I know one is a 2ed generation Johnnys. Yabu's been around forever, but yeah. No patience...That's why I can't even look at Korean groups.I mean it really is a joke to have so many in a group. I mean Kanjani8 made since, due to how the group was formed and then how it worked out with a band since. But heck News started up what 9 and now look at them. Kiss-my-ft2 did get popular with KAT-TUN, but also since them and ABCZ have been around as long as KAT-TUN. I just did the numbers when KMF's debut got annouced. They beat KAT-TUN record for waiting to debut by a year. Also the memeber were around back when KAT-TUN and them were still Jrs. They were just pushed to the side. Yeah when I saw that KMF got props on Music Station & concerts I had knowen that things were getting bright for them. And yes it was nice of KAT-TUN to let them have some times to shine.

:D Well it's no shock about Kanjani8 doign things with Kansai Jrs. They all live in their own little world, that the company likes to forget about. It's like the Kansai vs Tokyo fight wont ever end. At less they get to take work other groups could never. I mean twin Tai Fighter Champions!? Arashi has one or two, but they seem to spend more time with they're elders and people outside of Johnnys.News used to be. You can look back at their Hanamaru Cafe visits and see they had ai. It's just gone missing. (KAT-TUN stole it) I mean Togamass still hangs out, and then Masuda is like Nakamaru Yuichi's girlfriend *L*. Shinge and Koyama are doing there thing, Ryo's still crazy, and Yamapi is doing what he was molded to do. I swear I can never understand why they had him brought up in the company to be a solo artist (Or at less with the other 4tops) and then tossed him in NEWS. Anyway, I only heard of Koyama, Ryo, and Pi taking Jrs out. So yeah.

I mean News has never had a tv show. Yeah 4 of them did that walking plant a tree thing, but really not a tv show. They could pull of doing on of those Korean shows where they give them a kid and go "here rasie it for a while."

All I really know is for odd reason Tackey & SMAP are the only ones promoting the Jrs. Not cool. We need someone to kick some butts.


setokoji May 22 2011, 16:14:51 UTC
*sigh* I'm Asian myself but practically white-washed since I grew up in Canada. I can't blame them for having a loud voice or such because really, it's the Asian culture. Growing up in a city with a population larger than the entire U.S. is pretty hectic and sometimes you don't realize how rude/loud you really are. The Chinese kids at my school NEVER skip, I mean NEVER, even during Lunar New Years or ANYTHING... These are the very Asian ppl who value education above anything and it just makes feel so bad about myself (thinking about skipping 24/7) XD. I guess The asians there are totally different from the asians here lol. Definitely agree that some particular Asians loves trying to fit into the American culture (Oh gosh, don't we already know of one solo artist, but noooooo one is not enough).

OH yeah, I was so amazed when I saw a last name written in Katakana XD
Nope, can't look at Korean groups no matter how much ppl are trying to convince me. Shinee is debuting in Japan though O.O I just wish KAT-TUN could debut in China or SOMEWHERE. It's sad not being able to just walk off to a music store and pick up their latest album. KMF's debut was like "OMG FINALLY" But look at KAT-TUN now, maybe KMF's going to be very popular as well. See the chain started from Kinki Kids to KAT-TUN (both groups broke several media/album/concert records) so maybe KMF's going to follow that~ It was definitely nice of KAT-TUN to bring them along.

ROFL. Kanjani8 just live on a totally different side of JE. They are just random and funny people with very dirty minds XD. I swear their jokes are R-13 if not R-18. I think that Ryo's a great example of the Kansai vs Tokyo situation because he's in both groups: Kanjani8 & News. Kj8 really feels like a family and Ryo tends to smile a lot more often than the times he's with News. Definitely, Yamapi's situation is just weird... I mean he's been releasing solo singles and albums even within News like Ryo. Tegomass got their own things going and Yama&Shige got theirs. News just feels like pieces of solo artist put together connected by "teamwork" (Now also stolen by KAT-TUN)


setokoji May 22 2011, 16:20:49 UTC
WOW I write too much XD

But last thing, what did you mean by a TV show? Like Cartoon KAT-TUN?
I know Arashi's got a bunch of variety shows that I can't even finish naming... I want Cartoon KAT-TUN to have season two (that rhymed lol).
The members show more of their personal side when doing these shows (minus one particular person NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE TY). Koki's just horrendously hilarious, Junno's got his extremely awesome personality that brightens the atmosphere, and Maru's that stoic announcer but shows his cuteness once in a while. Kame's just all out excited and Ueda's just as random as he could be at the randomness times XD
No I am not forgetting anyone because does ex-A really say much O.o?
Never actually saw him very very energized but does show his baka-side once in a while


familytables May 23 2011, 03:30:22 UTC
love writing too much.
Sorry if I offended you in anyway. I get the white-washed thing.I'm half balck, half white and up until like 1999, I could ask around twon if they had seen a small black man, and in like half an hour find my dad. LOL now we have a wave of blacks move up here and they get so pissed, since I don't act any way black or have anything incommon with black america. Yeah it makes since to be loud when it's like that. It's nice to have those who value their education. I can only think of 2 or 3 that I meet, and when they're pearents found out they could homeschool them, they got taken out of school. Yeah I'd feel kind of bad too if that was the case. LOL...Bit it's great entertainment, though. I might walk the lines of raciums at time, but still stypotyping American culture can be fun.

I've looked at Shinee. They're ok. They aren't the old 5person TVXQ/DBSK, but they're ok. It be nice for them to get China, but even SMAP and Arashi both have hell with that.I know. What's kind of odd, it back in say NSYNC/BACKSTREET BOYS day, I would go over to the international area to get their over seas CD and I used to see Kinki Kid/SMAP/ToKIO ect cds. Now we have just a huge inernational area, and not a danm knwo artist. I think I saw a Boa cd though. I know! When HSJ came out I bitched so much about how it was total BS that they were formed. I mean if the older guys of HSJ had debuted alone, I would've been ok, but really these guys needed to debut long ago. We can only hope. I had kind of hoped deep down that they just toss ABCZ into Kis-My-Ft give them a new name and call it a day, just becuase those guys need to debut I kind of like their songs a bit more. lol Ihope JE hooks them up next.

Yeah. I mean I think it was Kame, that said he would have loved to be on this one show, but it wasn't very JOhnny's...kind of adult, and then one night he saw K8 on there and was like "WTF?!" LOL Really watching K8 is so fun just because they aren't normal Johnnys. Even as Jrs. The stuff they did! Telling the older half of V6 they needed to retire, still tops my OMG they're (the company) trying to kill them. And very dirty minds sound like an understatement. First thing that come to mind is the whole talk with that modle/actress about wearing getting laid underwear. Yes that's just how it is with Ryo and the groups. That's why I can say I hate News Ryo but love K8 Ryo. I even try to acount for the fact he's more of a boss in News and has to be an adult, but still he should give off some good feel, but he dosen't. Yeah, Yamapi is weird...and needs to fire his stylest. Why the old women cloths? Tegomass owns Sweden, and Yama$Shige need a travle show. Very well put. (KAT-TUN might steal Koyama back next. The real Hyphen of KAT-TUN)

Yeah. Vartiety show. LOL Hay, it's the best thing Arashi asked for. A smart idea all the way around. LOL...But wouldn't it be a new show, since CTKT had 3 season...which season 3 Arashi is curently ripping off.
Yeah, the vaule of showing one's personal side is a big selling point. I never liked Arashi's music until 08', but I loved them due to their shows.
KAT-TUN...Gosh, what can I say. Koki is just holarious, like you said. SO glad he's back on tv. Wish someone would sub it though! Junno not only brighten up the area, but helped Junno fans, prove how much of a pervert he is...and yet so many people still missed it HOW!? Maru ....Can I just say Cartoon KAT-TUN was 99% this guy. I mean first season he was a total ass to the guest. He was so mean. Season 2 watching him suffer at the start with the women all over him, then the start of the torture, follow by even more picking on him in season 3. It wasn't until I rewatch the show did I notice how much Nakamaru was a main star. Kame, he hit and missed a lot, but it was great watching him act like a happy child. Many of my fav episodes had him in it. Bg family and all Mt. Climbing eps for sure. Ueda...Ueda managed to do what he set out with the show. He showed he was a fun pervert and I also loved his randomness....Looking at Gramama's boobs.


familytables May 23 2011, 03:31:01 UTC
WOO this is fun. lol almost made it though.

ex-A, um....He had some moments. Punishment game with Maru, and a few episodes at the end he smiled and had fun, but nope not much. I always say this about him. He messed up the understanding of an adult. For some reason he went for fun loving baka to blah. I mean the fact he noted himself that his friend wanted to know what the hell is up with how he acts on tv makes me wonder what's up. I mean Jr to now, what happened?


setokoji May 24 2011, 03:56:14 UTC
*sigh* I just got home and its 12am >.<
I'll be sure to write a LONG REPLY cuz I got so much to say XP
Let me go crash on my bed before that~


setokoji May 28 2011, 08:03:52 UTC
Perfect place for me to rant on about all these crazy things XD
Sorry for the late reply; been really busy

It's okay :) We recently decided to sell our house since I'm off to a dorm anyways. The people crowding around here are all "education-mamas" looking for a good place to learn (meaning my school).
I have a friend crazy about Shinee so I thought I check them out...turns out I won't be listening to KPop for a long time. Boy do I miss Backstreet Boys but hopefully I don't have to resort to buying KAT-TUN or even some older JE things online in the future. I have seen my crazy JE+kattun friend buy boxes load of things off the internet using my computer, so if I have to resort to her KILLING my computer browsing more online stuff for the years to come... kill me now. Note the heavy sense of sarcasm here (No I don't want to die just yet XD)

KJ8-Ryo just got me started to look more at KJ8 stuff and less of NEWS. I checked out NEWS due to Yamapi and all his dramas but after a while, it seems that Koyama's doing all the "connecting" and "member-ai" parts O.o I don't get what's so cute about Tegoshi though.TegoMass & ShigeYama parts - I couldn't agree more. I just hope Johnny won't go crazy and pull Yamapi out of NEWS like what he did with KAT-TUN. Yamapi is similar to ex-A in many ways. Listening from their concerts alone, they both just LOVE English songs. I'm pretty much on and off about NEWS but haven't heard of them in a long time. Need to go watch a KJ8 concert, so much more variety and more like a family feel if u get what I mean. They really do put their all into this and tend to not have some of that "Super-star-I-must-look-cool-with-lots-of-English" thing XD

Yes, I never liked Arashi music until recently because it's the same format as KAT-TUN with ex-A - more lead singers taking over everything. Gosh CRT Kat-tun was the best variety show I have ever seen. Showed quite a different from the usual kat-tun so loved it. Koki's just plain awesome since he keeps the mood so lively. I am definitely starting to notice Junno now, dont worry xD. LOl Maru's the announcer/main host so I guess he talks more...? kame and ueda just pop out randomly at places XD I love the mt.climbing episodes~ and yes he showed that he's a child at heart. Seriously, he looks fricking 18 and not 27.


setokoji May 28 2011, 08:09:50 UTC
LOl wow that was long but full of awesome-ness XD
Ex-A had his moments...some, but I have to say that his concert moments were way better

Thx for ur comment on HVS about the making of WHITE thing ...
Damn I loved reading your comment since it concluded everything that I wanted to say but couldn't...the other subbing team is actually pretty big and got the WORLD TOUR for kattun finished. I was grateful for that but *sigh* no politeness, bunch of weirdness, and just overall failing. I was quite pissed when I heard it... and i agree, I HATE THIS FIRST COME FIRST SERVE RULE. We had making of on our list wayyyy before, but Nooo they still ask us to drop it. Who the hell are you damn it...Lol Guess we'll release within the community ... my poor fingers, typing up all those translations for nothing.
And now they want Music Station too...


familytables May 28 2011, 09:38:36 UTC
^_^ No Problem. It's not like it took you a month or anything.

Makes since. Hope your dorm is nice. Might as well look for a good place, since it's costing.

I know what you mean. KPop to me is like the radio, pop it on and it's 50/50 chance I'll listen to the song, but doesn't mean I'll like the singer. I check in on BSB at times. It's so funny that they're still living up to all our fan girl crack ideas. (Would send a kiss to AJ, but doesn't want to catch anything. lol) I totally agree. I spent SO SO SO MUCH on BSB and NSYNC, I can't get myself to fangirl (hyphen out) for KAT-TUN. And since their music business screws them (the singers) over more then USA/UK/Canada, I'm not going to put more money in Johnny-san pockets. Plus I'm still finding boxes of Boy band crap. LOL

Ryo made me give news a look. I'm still getting to that really. They just aren't interesting. Honestly Yamapi is ok. He seems like a nice guy and fun, but I think his fan base pushes him a bit too much when it comes to his acting. He's not the worse, but it's a work in progress. Koyama mama and his Ai. I'm with you. Before I really got to know NEWS, I just knew he was the cute one, so I mixed him up with Masuda. XD I don't see Johnny pulling Yamapi, plus MR.A wanted to leave. Yamapi seems happy with NEWS after there almost break up he's protects them. Well they are/were really close friends forever. I really need to set some time aside and um learn about NEWS. They're just right above HSJ. Yeah K* shows are cool. My hubby even stops to look at them. He says they seem a bit "Southern." I could see them holding a show in New Orleans and really fit in. Yeah, I love the fact they never forget how hard it was for them to get were they are. I think most of the guys forgot how lucky they are to be top stars now. I know SMAP, TOKIO, V6, and Kinki really recall their hard work. Plus K8 English is a lovely fail that never looks cool, but is love.

At less it was a fitting idea. Arashi has a Leader so it made since that Ohno sings leads. Though Arashi did/dose have songs were the other sing leads. They also have a nice variety on music types. I can't say it's the best because I'm overly sold on Tetsuwan DASH (TOKIO), but It was amazing. After reading some interviews it seems like the guys are missing doing tv and working together. Yeah Koki the great mood setter, and also such a respectful guy. I always feel he ended up in his video room in season 2 due to his boob looking in season 1. I think Maru's the only one that made since at the time. kame and Ueda just pop out randomly at places Reading that made me so have a video game moment. I swear I'm going to have to make another post about KAT-TUN being a missing link to the Mortal Kombat video game. Anyway. The mt.climbing episodes were so fun, plus Ueda and his weights. Robert also added to the episodes. Kame dose look 18, he even pointed that out on a show. Though the weight he put on (thank God) did make the cheeks a bit saggy.

Ex-A's concert moments were fun. first two off the top of my head. Hitting that danm bell in QoP, and BTR the whole ticket thing, from getting caught by Junno to pulling that ticket.


setokoji May 28 2011, 21:52:46 UTC
Lol I really do hope my dorm is nice since it's extremely expensive for tuition, food, and all the living expenses. *shiver*

I second that Kpop notion! It's 50/50 chance if the song is decent cuz its just not my style. BSB is always on my playlist because it has a special place in my heart (so cheesy) The first English song I heard (except that Alphabet song) was from BSB. "As long as you love meeee~" and since BSB is really cheap, I mean my wallet feels a lot better buying copies in China with the exchange rate and all that XD

Honestly, NEWS was "sure okay, eye-candy" but it became just "okay" in a sense after, Koyma mama~!Well as long as Johnny doesn't pull yamapi out then I am sure NEWS is pretty secure... don't think they can stand another person being pulled out after Uchi. If only the older part of HSJ debuted as a single group and the younger ones after. It would have made a lot of sense in my opinion instead of just putting everyone together in a circle and go "okay you gusy are HSJ" I mean from the magazine of WinkUP I just got, they look like fathers taking their child out for a walk to the photoshoot... okay not that extremely but you get my point. ROFL. I love die for a show in New orleans~

Yes, at least I see Arashi's leader making some sort of effort with the group and TOKIO's FUNE just grabbed me right then and there. If you are doing Mortal Combat with popping Ueda/Kame, I am going to be the first buyer right there XD


familytables May 28 2011, 09:38:43 UTC
No Problem.
^_^ Yeah I guess it's best to hold you tongue otherwise they'll be some messy crap that doesn't need to happen. I know they're big it's one reason why I got so pissed at them bitching about you guys putting out subs so fast. They should be able to put them out fast just due to that. I mean I don't get to bitch about the time it takes to put out subs, but there's a reason people went from loving J-One to hating them. I was happy too, though I wasn't to happy they put the English subs in such a horrible place. It's childish and stupid. As I said some time some people subs just aren't what you want And some people don't translate things right, when it's not their main fandom. There really is a limit on things though. When something has 3 different venisons, there isn't a need to sub it again, but a few are fine. Yes I saw that. I guess they're just taking the whole "We'll sub anything that comes out" as "Don't sub anything. We have dibs." They really need to step off. It'll be good just to release things in the community to keep them at bay, I'm sure everyone how's joined and others will find their was to the subs. *sigh*

Feel free to use me as your sounding board to rant. Then you can have someone to rant with you.


setokoji May 28 2011, 22:15:16 UTC
Well I resort to ranting about it on my personal LJ because boy was I pissed. Now I even have to apologize to not fan the flame even more. This one girl, like comment #68 or something gave me a real hard time. For G-D sake, English is my second language so don't go around picking out nuances between two words and correctly my sense of respect. It's our community, and it is from our point of view so if you don't like it, get out. If you are just staying here for the subs, go ahead but DON'T BELITTLE US. She asked how a member can be "attacked"... did she drop her brain somewhere? It's a literary term used to comment how horrible it is to YELL PROFANITY! I mean from the start to the end, it was just about which team is going to sub which video. AGAIN CALLING DIBS! I mean there's a limited amount of performances KAT-TUN put out so what is there left for us to sub? It is again about download, comment, supports, and glory. gensou_alice was asked to drop Making Of and another comm asked us to drop Music Station... so unless some other comm ask me to drop INU, we don't exist for a purpose. They told us that they are not hindering us from but you asked us to drop um...yea. I mean if all KAT-TUN sub communities are going to bi*ch around each other asking ppl to drop projects then I regret joining any subbing team in the first place. I could just have enjoyed a nice video without any of this tension...*sigh* I guess we'll just cross-post INU since no other comm has DEMANDED we frick off on their project for the time being. If one more community comes and PM us, I am going to throw a tantrum.

Well I guess we are going to promote Babel on HVS since they are taking Making of White
so Music Station Talk for us? Idk... this is giving me a headache.
I guess no one took us as the victims since everyone's so convinced that we are the "bad-guys" here yelling and shooting complains. Seriously people, don't act like you care, cuz you don't. All you want is the sub so leave the comment section to those who actually bother commenting and supporting us. So what if we're a small team, we get the job done and we do it fast. That's all there is to it. It's not like after our sub, you have to drop your version, go release! It's your own work and you should be proud cuz its not like you copied our subs. I think we're going to release Making Of ourselves after INU and MS TALK. I am not ashamed if we get less downloads or comments, at least we did something for the kattun fans.

That was my rant! ah yes, I wanted to write more but it is already pretty lengthy XD
Well do give me ur opinion on this matter >.>
cuz I hate that girl's GUTS! GRRR


familytables May 29 2011, 05:42:02 UTC
Oh I know. When I went to college I looked at the dorm pricing and I wonder how anyone I knew was going to be able to pay for it.

I can't even say it's not my style. I go "What the hell is this mess I'm hearing?" Kind of like Perfume songs XD Not cheesy. I can still see the music video in my head and dance the whole song still. I might hit myself with a chair, but hay. "I don't care, who you are, where your from, what you did, as long as you love me." = "Don't tell me shit about yourself, just fuck me." Sorry old crack joke. BSB was nicely price. Now those other groups needed an arm and a leg. Justin needed a new Benz...Now he needs a new golf course. ...My how he's growen.

I get that. Yeah, though Uchi was a whole big mess (and that other guy no one cared about) and a differant thing.. I think the company realised it. I mean before his whole thing, there we 3 other guys that got caught drinking and doing drugs and they were fired on the spot. That caused some backlash, from what I read, so then Uchi's thing hit and while I understood his punishment, being Suspended for that long, fully taken out of the groups, and put at the lowest rank of Jr was a bit much. Hell they don't even seem to do anything besides a small suspended time.

I agree for the most part, but instead of age, years working would've been better. Since I think 2 olders hadn't been there as long as two youngers. Also I don't care if what's his name is a second generation Johnny, he wasn't ready to debut. LOL your father child comment made V6 pop into my head.

I would also die for the show. I think it might be one of the few moments I psycho fan girl over Ryo. Him doing a harmonica solo *dies*

Yeah, but I was just watching Arashi's Mago Mago Arashi episodes where they made themselves into a row club. I wonder what if that never happened. That moment really made them all grow up even more and bond. Also made Ohno realise he was their leader. I wish KAT-TUN could have something like that happen to them. I guess all the A crap kind of has, but I think a good bonding thing would be nice for them. Yelling, fighting, crying.....Johnny-San I have a Idea! Call MTV and get the rights to do Road Rules!

TOKIO...what can I say, they're one intresting group.

But what random things would they say if they poppped up? I'm sure it sell well. Hay JOhnny-san?! V6 has a videogame, can't you make a KAT-TUN one?


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