(no subject)

Jul 25, 2004 15:37

this shit is getting irritating

every fucking time! god damn. i DID NOT ditch anyone last night! for god fucking sakes.

i layed in my bed for a hour crying my fucking eyes out, listening to jackie sam greg dustin jimmy and chad play pool and scream! for god sakes am i not allowed to be SICK bc i need to hang out with someone?! i havnt gone to work in 2 days, i havnt been out of the house since last night when i went to wendys to get a coke.

im tired of having to defend myself every fucking time i cant hang out with someone!

MY MOM WOULDNT LET ME OUT LAST NIGHT. you dont believe me, ok, you can call her and ask her. go ahead! i asked her if i could go to the sleepover, she said "maggie i would rather you stay home and get some sleep."

gee im real sorry next time ill just sneak out and be miserable for hours just so you have something to do...

♥ maggie
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