I... wrote a thing. 90,000 words of thing? This is very, very vaguely inspired by Jonathan Stroud's Lockwood & Company and (in a much smaller sense) Michael Gruber's Jimmy Paz mysteries. (You do not need to have read any of those things to read this. Even a little.) It, purportedly, has a Supernatural feel to it. (I'm choosing to believe this was S1 & S2 of Supernatural, back when it was good.)
For the record, Wikipedia is both a great source of ghost lore and full of things that will never let you sleep again. This is not meant to be the sort of ghost story that will never let you sleep again. Also, I find myself and Draco Malfoy very funny, but I'm solely responsible for every truly terrible joke in here.
Foxfire, Harry/Draco/Hermione, NC-17, 90,000 words.
Ghosts weren’t meant to be dangerous, they’d said. Ghosts were kind, friendly creatures who taught you History of Magic or celebrated their Death Day in the Great Hall to much cheering and applause. Ghosts gave you important hints. No witch or wizard ever told their child scary ghost stories, because the idea was less threatening than the idea of doxies in the curtains. The things that people had done to other people in the last decade far outweighed any heightened sense that there might be something more than met the eye. Ghosts were harmless. Benevolent. Typically quite cheerful.
Unfortunately, they had gotten it wrong.
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